Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1912

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123STA T . 1 89 2 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 32 —J U NE 2 4, 2 0 09 BILATER ALE CON O M ICA S SISTANCE FUNDS A P P RO PR IATE DTOT H E P RESIDENT GL O B AL HEALTH AND C HILD SUR V IVAL F oran a d d it iona l a m o u nt f or ‘ ‘ G lo b al He alt h and Child Sur -v ival ’ ’ ,$150 ,000,000, to remain available until Se p tember 3 0, 2 010


d, That $50,000,000 s hall be made available for pandemi c preparedness and response: Provided fu r th er, That $100,000,000 shall be made available, not w ithstandin g an y other provision of law, e x cept for the U nited States Leadership Against HI V/ AI D S, Tuberculosis and Malaria Act of 2003 ( Public Law 10 8– 25 ) , for a United States contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, to include minimum funding re q uire- ments or funding directives, if the President determines and reports to the Committees on Appropriations that the human-to-human transmission of the H1N1 virus is efficient and sustained, severe, and is spreading internationally, funds made available under the headings ‘‘Global Health and Child Survival’’, ‘‘Development Assist- ance’’, ‘‘Economic Support Fund’’, and ‘‘Millennium Challenge Cor- poration’’ in prior Acts ma k ing appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs may be made available to combat the H1N1 virus: Provided further, That funds made available pursuant to the authority of the previous proviso shall be sub j ect to prior consultation with, and the regular notifica- tion procedures of, the Committees on Appropriations . INTERNATIONAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE For an additional amount for ‘‘International Disaster Assist- ance’’, $2 7 0,000,000, to remain available until expended. ECONO M IC SUPPORT F UND ( INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS ) For an additional amount for ‘‘Economic Support Fund’’, $2, 9 73, 6 01,000, to remain available until September 30, 2010: Pro - vided, That of the funds made available under this heading for assistance for the W est Bank and Ga z a, $2,000,000 shall be trans- ferred to, and merged with, funds available under the heading ‘‘United States Agency for International Development, Funds Appro- priated to the President, Office of Inspector General’’ to conduct oversight of programs in the West Bank and Gaza: Provided further, That of the amounts made available for assistance for the West Bank and Gaza, not more than $200,000,000 may be made available for cash transfer assistance to the Palestinian Authority: Provided further, That none of the funds made available under this heading for cash transfer assistance to the Palestinian Authority may be obligated for salaries of personnel of the Palestinian Authority located in Gaza: Provided further, That of the funds appropriated under this heading, up to $10,000,000 may be made available for humanitarian assistance in Burma for individuals and commu- nities impacted by Cyclone Nargis, notwithstanding any other provi- sion of law: Provided further, That of the funds appropriated under this heading for assistance for Afghanistan and Pakistan, assistance Consulta t i on .N oti f i c ation. Pre si d ent. D eter m ination. R e p orts. H1 N1 v irus.