Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2089

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123STA T . 2 069PUBLIC LA W 111 –7 3 —O CT. 1 5, 2009 SEC.103 . AUDIT I NG . (a)AS S I S TANCE A U T HOR I Z E D.—TheInsp e ctorG enera l o f the D epart m ent of S tate , the Inspector General of the U n i te d States A g enc y for International De v elopment, and the inspectors general of other F ederal departments and agencies (other than the Inspector General of the Department of Defense) carrying o u t programs, pro j ects, and activities using amounts appropriated to carry out this title shall audit, investigate, and oversee the o b ligation and e x penditure of such amounts. (b) AUTHORIZATION F OR IN -C OUNTR YP RESENCE.—The Inspector General of the Department of State and the Inspector General of the United States Agency for International Development, after consultation w ith the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, are authori z ed to establish field offices in Pa k istan with sufficient staff from each of the O ffices of the Inspector General, respectively, to carry out subsection (a). (c) AUTHORIZATION OF A P PROPRIATIONS.— ( 1 )IN G ENERA L .—Of the amounts authorized to be appro- priated under section 1 02 for each of the fiscal years 2010 through 201 4 , upto $3 0,000,000 for each fiscal year is author- ized to be made available to carry out this section. (2) R ELATION TO OTHER A V AILA B LE FUNDS.—Amounts made available under paragraph (1) are in addition to amounts other- wise available for such purposes. TI T LE II —S E CUR IT YA SSISTA N CE FO R P A K ISTAN SEC. 2 01. P U R P O SES O F ASSISTANCE. The purposes of assistance under this title are— (1) to support Pakistan ’ s paramount national security need to fight and win the ongoing counterinsurgency within its bor- ders in accordance with its national security interests

(2) to work with the Government of Pakistan to improve Pakistan’s border security and control and help prevent any Pakistani territory from being used as a base or conduit for terrorist attacks in Pakistan, or elsewhere; (3) to work in close cooperation with the Government of Pakistan to coordinate action against extremist and terrorist targets; and (4) to help strengthen the institutions of democratic govern- ance and promote control of military institutions by a democrat- ically elected civilian government. SEC. 202. AUT H ORI Z ATION OF ASSISTANCE. (a) INTERNATIONAL M ILITARY E DUCATION AND TRAINING.— (1) IN GENERAL.—There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2010 through 2014 for assistance under chapter 5 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1 96 1 (22 U.S.C. 234 7 et se q .; relating to international military education and training) for Pakistan, including expanded international military education and training (commonly known as ‘ ‘E – IMET’’). (2) USE OF FUNDS.—It is the sense of Congress that a substantial amount of funds made available to carry out this 2 2 USC84 22 . 22 USC 842 1 . 22 USC 841 3 .