Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2299

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123STA T . 22 79PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 2 0 09 (D)revi e wth er ol eo f the Judg e A dvo ca te G e n eral of the N av y, a s the senior unifor m ed legal officer of the De p artment of the Navy, to determine whether additional authority for the Judge Advocate General over manpower policies and assignments of j udge advocates in the Navy and M arine C orps is warranted

( E ) review directives issued b y the Navy and the Marine Corps pertaining to jointly - shared missions re q uiring legal support; ( F ) review career patterns for Marine Corps judge advo- cates in order to identify and validate assignments to nonlegal billets required for professional development and promotion; and (G) review, evaluate, and assess such other matters and materials as the panel considers appropriate for pur- poses of the study . ( 3 ) UTIL I ZA TI ON O F OT HERS T UD IES. —I n carrying out the study required by paragraph ( 1 ), the panel may review, and incorporate as appropriate, the findings of applicable ongoing and completed studies in future manpower requirements, including the two-part study by CNA Analysis and S olutions entitled ‘ ‘An Analysis of Navy JAG Corps Future Manpower R equirements ’ ’. ( 4 )RE P ORT.—Not later than 1 20 days after its first meeting under subsection (a)( 7 ), the panel shall submit to the Secretary of Defense and the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the H ouse of Representatives a report on the study. T he report shall include— (A) the findings and conclusions of the panel as a result of the study; and ( B ) any recommendations for legislative or administra- tive action that the panel considers appropriate in light of the study. (c) P O W ERS OF PANEL.— (1) HEARIN G S.—The panel may hold such hearings, sit and act at such times and places, ta k e such testimony, and receive such evidence as the panel considers appropriate to carry out its duties under this section. (2) INFOR M ATION FROM FEDERAL AGEN C IES.—Upon request by the chair of the panel, any department or agency of the Federal Government may provide information that the panel considers necessary to carry out it duties under this section. (d) PERSONNEL MATTERS.— (1) PA Y OF MEM B ERS.—(A) Members of the panel established under subsection (a) shall serve without pay by reason of their work on the panel. (B) Section 1342 of title 31, United States Code, shall not apply to the acceptance of services of a member of the panel under this section. (2) TRA V ELE X PENSES.—The members of the panel shall be allowed travel e x penses, including per diem in lieu of subsist- ence, at rates authori z ed for employees of agencies under sub- chapter I of chapter 5 7 of title 5, United States Code, while away from their homes or regular places of business in the performance or services for the panel.