Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2777

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123STA T . 2 75 7 PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9TI T LEX LII —R E S E A R CH,D E V EL OPM E N T, TEST AND EVAL U ATION SEC.4201 . R ESE A RC H,D E V E LOPM E NT , TEST AND EVAL U AT I ON. RES E A R CH,D E V E LOPM E NT , TEST, AND EVAL U AT I ON (InThousa n d so fD o l la r s ) L ine P rog r am E l emen t Item FY201 0 Re qu e s t Con f eren c e Aut h ori z e d RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST & EVALUATION, ARMY B ASIC RESEARCH 0 0 1 0 6 01101 A I N-HOUSEL A B O R ATOR Y INDE P ENDENT RESEAR C H . . 1 9, 6 7 1 19,671 00 2 0601102A DE F ENSE RESEARCH SCIENCES ....................................... 17 3 ,02 4 176, 5 24 Ball i s t i cm at e rials research .................................................. [ 3,500 ] 003 0601103A UNI V ERSITY RESEARCH INITIATIVES ............................. 8 8,421 92,421 Nanocom p osite materials research ...................................... [2,000] Open source intelli g ence research ........................................ [1,000] Smart W ound Dressing for M RSA-Infected Battle Wounds. [1,000] 004 0601104A UNIVERSITY AND INDUSTRY RESEARCH CENTERS .... 96,144 98,844 Immersi v e simulation research ............................................ [1,200] Materials processing research .............................................. [1,500] SUBTOTAL, BASIC RESEARCH, ARMY .......................... 37 7,2 6 0 3 8 7, 4 60 APPLIED RESEARCH 005 0602105A MATERIALS TECHNOLO G Y .................................................. 27,206 47,206 Advanced rene w a b le j et fuels ............................................... [3,000] Applied composite materials research ................................. [3,000] High strength fibers for ballistic armor applications ......... [2,000] Moldable fabric armor ........................................................... [2,000] Smart materials and structures ........................................... [1,000] Dual Stage Variable Energ y Absorber ................................. [3,000] Ne x t Generation High Strength Glass Fibers for Ballistic Armor Applications. [2,000] Ultra Lightweight Metallic Armor ....................................... [1,000] Nanomanufacturing of Multifunctional Sensors ................. [3,000] 006 0602120A SENSORS AND ELECTRONIC SURVIVABILITY ............... 50,641 53,141 Nanoelectronic memory, sensor and energy devices ........... [2,500] 007 0602122A TRACTOR HIP .......................................................................... 14,324 14,324 008 0602211A AVIATION TECHNOLOGY ..................................................... 41,332 41,332 009 0602270A ELECTRONIC WARFARE TECHNOLOGY ........................... 16,119 16,119 010 0602303A MISSILE TECHNOLOGY ........................................................ 50,716 50,716 011 0602307A ADVANCED WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY .............................. 19,678 19,678 012 0602308A ADVANCED CONCEPTS AND SIMULATION ..................... 17,473 19,473 Cognitive modeling and simulation research ...................... [2,000] 013 0602601A COMBAT VEHICLE AND AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 55,937 74,437 Advanced composite materials research .............................. [3,500] Composite vehicle shelters .................................................... [2,000] Tactical metal fabrication program ...................................... [1,000] Tribology research ................................................................. [2,000] Vehicle systems engineering and integration activities ..... [10,000] 014 0602618A BALLISTICS TECHNOLOGY ................................................. 61,843 65,843 Electromagnetic gun .............................................................. [ – 2,000] Reactive armor research ....................................................... [3,000] Beneficial Infrastructure for Rotorcraft Ris k Reduction .... [1,000] Lethality research ................................................................. [2,000] 015 0602622A CHEMICAL, SMO K EANDE Q UIPMENT DEFEATING TECHNOLOGY. 5,293 5,293 016 0602623A J OINT SERVICE SMALL ARMS PROGRAM ........................ 7,674 7,674 017 0602624A WEAPONS AND MUNITIONS TECHNOLOGY ................... 41,085 59,085 Acoustic gun detection systems ............................................ [2,000] Acoustic research ................................................................... [3,000] UGV weaponi z ation ............................................................... [2,500] Highly Integrated Production for Expediting RESET ........ [2,500] Hybrid Projectile Program .................................................... [3,000]