Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3178

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123STA T . 31 58PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 7—DE C.1 6, 2 0 0 9(1)whet he ranyF e d era lfu nd s were mi sused and , ifs o , the total amount of Federal funds in v olved and how su c h funds were misused

( 2 ) what ste p s, if any, have b een ta k en to recover any Federal funds that were misused; ( 3 ) what steps should be taken to prevent the misuse of any Federal funds; and ( 4 ) whether all necessary steps have been taken to prevent the misuse of any Federal funds . (b) N ot later than 1 80 days after the date of enactment of this A ct, the C omptroller G eneral shall submit to Con g ress a report on the results of the audit re q uired under subsection (a), along with recommendations for Federal agency reforms. SEC . 5 3 6 . T othee x tent practicable, funds made available in this Act should be used to purchase light bulbs that are ‘ ‘ E nergy Star ’ ’ qualified or have the ‘‘Federal Energy M anagement P rogram’’ designation. SEC. 53 7 . The D irector of the O ffice of Management and B udget shall instruct any department, agency, or instrumentality of the U nited States Government receiving funds appropriated under this Act to track undisbursed balances in expired grant accounts and include in its annual performance plan and performance and accountability reports the following

(1) Details on future action the department, agency, or instrumentality will take to resolve undisbursed balances in expired grant accounts. (2) The method that the department, agency, or instrumen - tality uses to track undisbursed balances in expired grant accounts. (3) I dentification of undisbursed balances in expired grant accounts that may be returned to the Treasury of the United States. (4) In the preceding 3 fiscal years, details on the total number of expired grant accounts with undisbursed balances (on the first day of each fiscal year) for the department, agency, or instrumentality and the total finances that have not been obligated to a specific pro j ect remaining in the accounts. SEC. 538. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used to relocate the Bureau of the Census or employees from the Department of Commerce to the jurisdiction of the Executive Office of the President. SEC. 53 9 . Specific projects contained in the report of the Com- mittee on Appropriations of the H ouse of R epresentatives accom- panying this Act (H. Rept. 111 – 149) that are considered congres- sional earmarks for purposes of clause 9 of rule X XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives, when intended to be awarded to a for-profit entity, shall be awarded under a full and open competition. This division may be cited as the ‘‘Commerce, J ustice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010’’. Earm ar ks.De a dlin e. R e po r t s. Re c ommenda - tions.