Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3429

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123STA T . 3 409PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 8—DE C. 19 , 2009 PublicLaw1 11 – 11 8 111 thCongres s A n Act Making a p p ro pria t ion sf ort heD epart m ent of Defense for the fis c a ly ear en d ing S eptem b er 30,2 0 1 0, and for other p u rposes .Beit e nac te dby t h e S enate and Hous eo fR e pr esentati v es of the U nited States of Am erica in C on g ress assemb l ed ,SECTION1. S H O R T TIT L E. ThisActmaybe cite d as the ‘ ‘ D e p a r tme n t of Defense Appropria - tions Act ,201 0 ’ ’ . SEC. 2 .T AB LEO F CONTENTS. The tab l e of contents of this Act is as follo w s

Sec. 1. Short title. Sec. 2. T able of contents. Sec. 3. R eferences. D IV ISI ONA— D EP ARTMENT O F DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS Title I—Military Personnel Title II—Operation and Maintenance Title III—Procurement Title IV—Research, De v elopment, Test and Evaluation Title V—Revolving and Management Funds Title VI—Other Department of Defense Programs Title VII—Related Agencies Title VIII— G eneral Provisions Title I X —Overseas C ontingency Operations DIVISION B —OT H ER MATTERS SEC. 3 . REFERENCES. Ex cept as expressly pro v ided otherwise, any reference to ‘‘this Act’’ contained in any division of this Act shall be treated as referrin g only to the provisions of that division. DIV I S I ONA— D EP A RTM ENT O F DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS The following s u ms are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending S eptember 3 0, 2010, for military functions administered by the Department of Defense and for other purposes, namely: Departm e n t of Defen s e A ppropr i ations A c t ,201 0 . 1 USC 1 note. Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2010. Dec. 1 9 , 2009 [H . R . 3 32 6]