Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/751

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123STA T .7 31 PUBLIC LA W 111 –8—M A R .11 , 2 0 0 9ACQUIS I T I ON O FL AN D SFO R NATIONAL FOR E STS S P ECIAL ACTS Foracquis i t io n o fl an d s w it h in th e e x terior b oundaries of the C ache ,U inta, and W asatch N ational Forests, Utah

the T oi y abe National Forest, Ne v ada; and the A n g eles, S an B ernardino, Sequoia, and Cleveland National Forests, California, as authori z ed by law, $1 , 05 0,000, to be derived fro m forest recei p ts . ACQUISITION OF LANDS TO CO M PLETE LAND E X C H AN G ES For acquisition of lands, such sums, to be derived from funds deposited by State, county, or municipal governments, public school districts, or other public school authorities, and for authorized expenditures from funds deposited by non - Federal parties pursuant to L and Sale and E xchange Acts, pursuant to the Act of D ecember 4 ,1 967 , as amended ( 16 U.S.C. 4 8 4a ) , to remain available until expended. (16 U.S.C. 4601 – 516–617a, 555a; P ublic Law 96–586; Public Law 76–589, 76–591; and 78– 3 10). RANGE B ETTERMENT FUND For necessary expenses of range rehabilitation, protection, and improvement, 50 percent of all moneys received during the prior fiscal year, as fees for grazing domestic livestoc k on lands in National Forests in the 16 Western States, pursuant to section 401(b)(1) of Public Law 94–579, as amended, to remain available until expended, of which not to exceed 6 percent shall be available for administrative expenses associated with on-the-ground range rehabilitation, protection, and improvements. GIFTS, DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS FOR FOREST AND RANGELAND RESEARCH For expenses authorized by 16 U.S.C. 1643(b), $50,000, to remain available until expended, to be derived from the fund estab- lished pursuant to the above Act. MANAGEMENT OF NATIONAL FOREST LANDS FOR SUBSISTENCE USES For necessary expenses of the Forest Service to manage Federal lands in Alaska for subsistence uses under title VI II of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (Public Law 96–487), $5,000,000, to remain available until expended. W ILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT ( INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS ) For necessary expenses for forest fire presuppression activities on National Forest System lands, for emergency fire suppression onorad j acent to such lands or other lands under fire protection agreement, hazardous fuels reduction on or adjacent to such lands, and for emergency rehabilitation of burned-over National Forest System lands and water, $ 2 ,131,630,000, to remain available until expended


d , That such funds including unobligated balances under this heading, are available for repayment of advances from other appropriations accounts previously transferred for such pur- poses: Provided fu r th er, That such funds shall be available to reimburse State and other cooperating entities for services provided in response to wildfire and other emergencies or disasters to the