Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/912

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123STA T .89 2 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 8 —M A R .11 , 2 0 09 COM M UNITY-BASEDP O L ICE ASSISTANCE S EC .704 7. (a)A UT H O R ITY. —Fundsm ad e a v a il a b leb yt itles I IIandI Vof t h isA c ttoca r ry out the p rovisions of chapter 1 of part I and chapters 4 and 6 of part II of the Forei g n Assistance Actof1 9 61 , may be used, not w ithstanding section 660 of that Act, to enhance the effectiveness and accountability of civilian police authority through training and technical assistance in human rights, the rule of law, anti-corruption, strategic planning, and through assistance to foster civilian police roles that support demo- cratic governance including assistance for programs to prevent con- flict, respond to disasters, address gender-based violence, and foster improved police relations with the communities they serve. (b) N OTI F ICATION.—Assistance provided under subsection (a) shall be sub j ect to prior consultation with, and the regular notifica- tion procedures of, the C ommittees on Appropriations. PROHIBITION OF PAYMENTS TO UNITED NATIONS MEMBERS SEC. 704 8 . None of the funds appropriated or made available pursuant to titles III through VI of this Act for carrying out the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, may be used to pay in whole or in part any assessments, arrearages, or dues of any member of the U nited Nations or, from funds appropriated by this Act to carry out chapter 1 of part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the costs for participation of another country ’ s delegation at international conferences held under the auspices of multilateral or international organi z ations. W AR CRIMES TRIBUNALS DRAWDOWN SEC. 7049. If the P resident determines that doing so will con- tribute to a just resolution of charges regarding genocide or other violations of international humanitarian law, the President may direct a drawdown pursuant to section 5 5 2 (c) of the Foreign Assist- ance Act of 1961 of up to $3 0,000,000 of commodities and services for the United Nations W ar Crimes T ribunal established with regard to the former Y ugoslavia by the United Nations Security Council or such other tribunals or commissions as the Council may establish or authorize to deal with such violations, without regard to the ceiling limitation contained in paragraph (2) thereof


d , That the determination re q uired under this section shall be in lieu of any determinations otherwise required under section 552(c): Provided fu r th er, That funds made available for tribunals other than the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugo- slavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for R wanda, or the Special Court for Sierra L eone shall be made available subject to the regular notification procedures of the Committees on Appro- priations. PEACE K EEPIN G MISSIONS SEC. 7050. None of the funds made available under title I of this Act may be used for any United Nations underta k ing when it is made known to the Federal official having authority to obligate ore x pend such funds that: (1) the United Nations undertaking is a peacekeeping mission

(2) such undertaking will involve United States Armed Forces under the command or operational control of a foreign national; and (3) the President’s military advisors Notif i ca tio n.