Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/1018

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124 STAT. 992 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 Control and Prevention, and in consultation with the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration, shall conduct an education campaign among physicians and other health care professionals to increase awareness— ‘‘(1) of breast health, symptoms, and early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in young women, including specific risk factors such as family history of cancer and women that may be at high risk for breast cancer, such as Ashkenazi Jewish population; ‘‘(2) on how to provide counseling to young women about their breast health, including knowledge of their family cancer history and importance of providing regular clinical breast examinations; ‘‘(3) concerning the importance of discussing healthy behav- iors, and increasing awareness of services and programs avail- able to address overall health and wellness, and making patient referrals to address tobacco cessation, good nutrition, and phys- ical activity; ‘‘(4) on when to refer patients to a health care provider with genetics expertise; ‘‘(5) on how to provide counseling that addresses long- term survivorship and health concerns of young women diagnosed with breast cancer; and ‘‘(6) on when to provide referrals to organizations and institutions that provide credible health information and sub- stantive assistance and support to young women diagnosed with breast cancer. ‘‘(c) PREVENTION RESEARCH ACTIVITIES.—The Secretary, acting through— ‘‘(1) the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall conduct prevention research on breast cancer in younger women, including— ‘‘(A) behavioral, survivorship studies, and other research on the impact of breast cancer diagnosis on young women; ‘‘(B) formative research to assist with the development of educational messages and information for the public, targeted populations, and their families about breast health, breast cancer, and healthy lifestyles; ‘‘(C) testing and evaluating existing and new social marketing strategies targeted at young women; and ‘‘(D) surveys of health care providers and the public regarding knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to breast health and breast cancer prevention and control in high-risk populations; and ‘‘(2) the Director of the National Institutes of Health, shall conduct research to develop and validate new screening tests and methods for prevention and early detection of breast cancer in young women. ‘‘(d) SUPPORT FOR YOUNG WOMEN DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall award grants to organizations and institutions to provide health information from credible sources and substantive assistance directed to young women diagnosed with breast cancer and pre-neoplastic breast diseases. Grants.