Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/1148

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124 STAT. 1122 PUBLIC LAW 111–158—APR. 26, 2010 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 4573: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 156 (2010): Mar. 10, considered and passed House. Mar. 26, considered and passed Senate, amended. Apr. 14, House concurred in Senate amendments. stock relief and debt service relief for Haiti and, before February 1, 2015, to provide grants for Haiti. ‘‘(c) SECURING OTHER RELIEF FOR HAITI.—The Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of State should use all appropriate diplomatic influence to secure cancellation of any and all remaining bilateral, multilateral and private creditor debt owed by Haiti.’’. SEC. 3. INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT. (a) TRUST FUND.—The Secretary of the Treasury should support the creation and utilization of a multilateral trust fund for Haiti that would leverage potential United States contributions and pro- mote bilateral donations to such a fund for the purpose of making investments in Haiti’s future and future generations, including efforts to combat soil degradation and promote reforestation and infrastructure investments such as electric grids, roads, water and sanitation facilities, and other critical infrastructure projects. (b) INCREASE IN TRANSFER OF EARNINGS.—The Secretary of the Treasury should direct the United States Executive Director of the Inter-American Development Bank to seek to increase the transfer of its earnings to the Fund for Special Operations and to a trust fund or grant facility for Haiti. Approved April 26, 2010.