Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/1341

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124 STAT. 1315 PUBLIC LAW 111–195—JULY 1, 2010 (2) the concerns of the United States regarding Iran are strictly the result of the actions of the Government of Iran; (3) the revelation in September 2009 that Iran is developing a secret uranium enrichment site on a base of Iran’s Revolu- tionary Guard Corps near Qom, which appears to have no civilian application, highlights the urgency that Iran— (A) disclose the full nature of its nuclear program, including any other secret locations; and (B) provide the International Atomic Energy Agency unfettered access to its facilities pursuant to Iran’s legal obligations under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, done at Washington, London, and Moscow July 1, 1968, and entered into force March 5, 1970 (commonly known as the ‘‘Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty’’) and Iran’s safeguards agreement with the Inter- national Atomic Energy Agency; (4) because of the involvement of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps in Iran’s nuclear program, international terrorism, and domestic human rights abuses, the President should impose the full range of applicable sanctions on— (A) any individual or entity that is an agent, alias, front, instrumentality, representative, official, or affiliate of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps; and (B) any individual or entity that has conducted any commercial transaction or financial transaction with an individual or entity described in subparagraph (A); (5) additional measures should be adopted by the United States to prevent the diversion of sensitive dual-use tech- nologies to Iran; (6) the President should— (A) continue to urge the Government of Iran to respect the internationally recognized human rights and religious freedoms of its citizens; (B) identify the officials of the Government of Iran and other individuals who are responsible for continuing and severe violations of human rights and religious freedom in Iran; and (C) take appropriate measures to respond to such viola- tions, including by— (i) prohibiting officials and other individuals the President identifies as being responsible for such viola- tions from entry into the United States; and (ii) freezing the assets of the officials and other individuals described in clause (i); (7) additional funding should be provided to the Secretary of State to document, collect, and disseminate information about human rights abuses in Iran, including serious abuses that have taken place since the presidential election in Iran on June 12, 2009; (8) with respect to nongovernmental organizations based in the United States— (A) many of such organizations are essential to pro- moting human rights and humanitarian goals around the world; (B) it is in the national interest of the United States to allow responsible nongovernmental organizations based in the United States to establish and carry out operations