Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/1460

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124 STAT. 1434 PUBLIC LAW 111–203—JULY 21, 2010 company that controls an intermediate holding company, and from the appropriate officers or directors of such company, solely for purposes of ensuring compliance with the provisions of this section, including assessing the ability of the company to serve as a source of strength to its subsidiary intermediate holding company pursuant to paragraph (3) and enforcing such compliance. (5) LIMITED PARENT COMPANY ENFORCEMENT.— (A) IN GENERAL.—In addition to any other authority of the Board of Governors, the Board of Governors may enforce compliance with the provisions of this subsection that are applicable to any company described in paragraph (1) that controls an intermediate holding company under section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, and such company shall be subject to such section (solely for such purposes) in the same manner and to the same extent as if such company were a bank holding company. (B) APPLICATION OF OTHER ACT.—Any violation of this subsection by any company that controls an intermediate holding company may also be treated as a violation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act for purposes of subpara- graph (A). (C) NO EFFECT ON OTHER AUTHORITY.—No provision of this paragraph shall be construed as limiting any authority of the Board of Governors or any other Federal agency under any other provision of law. (c) REGULATIONS.—The Board of Governors— (1) shall promulgate regulations to establish the criteria for determining whether to require a nonbank financial com- pany supervised by the Board of Governors to establish an intermediate holding company under subsection (b); and (2) may promulgate regulations to establish any restrictions or limitations on transactions between an intermediate holding company or a nonbank financial company supervised by the Board of Governors and its affiliates, as necessary to prevent unsafe and unsound practices in connection with transactions between such company, or any subsidiary thereof, and its parent company or affiliates that are not subsidiaries of such company, except that such regulations shall not restrict or limit any transaction in connection with the bona fide acquisi- tion or lease by an unaffiliated person of assets, goods, or services. SEC. 168. REGULATIONS. The Board of Governors shall have authority to issue regula- tions to implement subtitles A and C and the amendments made thereunder. Except as otherwise specified in subtitle A or C, not later than 18 months after the effective date of this Act, the Board of Governors shall issue final regulations to implement subtitles A and C, and the amendments made thereunder. SEC. 169. AVOIDING DUPLICATION. The Board of Governors shall take any action that the Board of Governors deems appropriate to avoid imposing requirements under this subtitle that are duplicative of requirements applicable to bank holding companies and nonbank financial companies under other provisions of law. 12 USC 5369. Deadline. 12 USC 5368. Criteria.