Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/175

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124 STAT. 149 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 ‘‘(II) be adopted not later than July 1, 2012, in a manner ensuring that such operating rules are effective not later than January 1, 2014. ‘‘(iii) HEALTH CLAIMS OR EQUIVALENT ENCOUNTER INFORMATION, ENROLLMENT AND DISENROLLMENT IN A HEALTH PLAN, HEALTH PLAN PREMIUM PAYMENTS, REFERRAL CERTIFICATION AND AUTHORIZATION.—The set of operating rules for health claims or equivalent encounter information, enrollment and disenrollment in a health plan, health plan premium payments, and referral certification and authorization transactions shall be adopted not later than July 1, 2014, in a manner ensuring that such operating rules are effective not later than January 1, 2016. ‘‘(C) EXPEDITED RULEMAKING.—The Secretary shall promulgate an interim final rule applying any standard or operating rule recommended by the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics pursuant to paragraph (3). The Secretary shall accept and consider public comments on any interim final rule published under this subpara- graph for 60 days after the date of such publication. ‘‘(h) COMPLIANCE.— ‘‘(1) HEALTH PLAN CERTIFICATION.— ‘‘(A) ELIGIBILITY FOR A HEALTH PLAN, HEALTH CLAIM STATUS, ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS, HEALTH CARE PAY- MENT AND REMITTANCE ADVICE.—Not later than December 31, 2013, a health plan shall file a statement with the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, certifying that the data and information systems for such plan are in compliance with any applicable standards (as described under paragraph (7) of section 1171) and associ- ated operating rules (as described under paragraph (9) of such section) for electronic funds transfers, eligibility for a health plan, health claim status, and health care payment and remittance advice, respectively. ‘‘(B) HEALTH CLAIMS OR EQUIVALENT ENCOUNTER INFORMATION, ENROLLMENT AND DISENROLLMENT IN A HEALTH PLAN, HEALTH PLAN PREMIUM PAYMENTS, HEALTH CLAIMS ATTACHMENTS, REFERRAL CERTIFICATION AND AUTHORIZATION.—Not later than December 31, 2015, a health plan shall file a statement with the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, certifying that the data and information systems for such plan are in compliance with any applicable standards and associated operating rules for health claims or equivalent encounter information, enrollment and disenrollment in a health plan, health plan premium payments, health claims attachments, and referral certification and authorization, respectively. A health plan shall provide the same level of documentation to certify compliance with such transactions as is required to certify compliance with the transactions specified in subparagraph (A). ‘‘(2) DOCUMENTATION OF COMPLIANCE.—A health plan shall provide the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, with adequate documentation of compliance with the standards and operating rules described under paragraph (1). A health plan shall not be considered to have provided adequate Certification. Deadlines. Public comments.