Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/1823

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124 STAT. 1797 PUBLIC LAW 111–203—JULY 21, 2010 2 of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841)) with total consolidated assets of $50,000,000,000 or more, a nonbank financial company (as defined in section 102) supervised by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, affiliate of such a bank holding company or nonbank financial company, a security-based swap dealer, major security-based swap participant, or person associated with a security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant. (b) PURPOSES.—The Securities and Exchange Commission shall adopt rules if the Commission determines, after the review described in subsection (a), that such rules are necessary or appro- priate to improve the governance of, or to mitigate systemic risk, promote competition, or mitigate conflicts of interest in connection with a security-based swap dealer or major security-based swap participant’s conduct of business with, a clearing agency, national securities exchange, or security-based swap execution facility that clears, posts, or makes available for trading security-based swaps and in which such security-based swap dealer or major security- based swap participant has a material debt or equity investment. (c) CONSIDERATIONS.—In adopting rules pursuant to this sec- tion, the Securities and Exchange Commission shall consider any conflicts of interest arising from the amount of equity owned by a single investor, the ability to vote, cause the vote of, or withhold votes entitled to be cast on any matters by the holders of the ownership interest, and the governance arrangements of any deriva- tives clearing organization that clears swaps, or swap execution facility or board of trade designated as a contract market that posts swaps or makes swaps available for trading. SEC. 766. REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78a et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 13 the following: ‘‘SEC. 13A. REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING FOR CERTAIN SECU- RITY-BASED SWAPS. ‘‘(a) REQUIRED REPORTING OF SECURITY-BASED SWAPS NOT ACCEPTED BY ANY CLEARING AGENCY OR DERIVATIVES CLEARING ORGANIZATION.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Each security-based swap that is not accepted for clearing by any clearing agency or derivatives clearing organization shall be reported to— ‘‘(A) a security-based swap data repository described in section 13(n); or ‘‘(B) in the case in which there is no security-based swap data repository that would accept the security-based swap, to the Commission pursuant to this section within such time period as the Commission may by rule or regula- tion prescribe. ‘‘(2) TRANSITION RULE FOR PREENACTMENT SECURITY-BASED SWAPS.— ‘‘(A) SECURITY-BASED SWAPS ENTERED INTO BEFORE THE DATE OF ENACTMENT OF THE WALL STREET TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2010.—Each security-based swap entered into before the date of enactment of the Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act of 2010, the terms of which have not expired as of the date of enactment of that Act, shall be reported to a registered 15 USC 78m–1.