Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/194

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124 STAT. 168 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 (4) PLAN REFERENCE.—In this title, any reference to a bronze, silver, gold, or platinum plan shall be treated as a reference to a qualified health plan providing a bronze, silver, gold, or platinum level of coverage, as the case may be. (e) CATASTROPHIC PLAN.— (1) IN GENERAL.—A health plan not providing a bronze, silver, gold, or platinum level of coverage shall be treated as meeting the requirements of subsection (d) with respect to any plan year if— (A) the only individuals who are eligible to enroll in the plan are individuals described in paragraph (2); and (B) the plan provides— (i) except as provided in clause (ii), the essential health benefits determined under subsection (b), except that the plan provides no benefits for any plan year until the individual has incurred cost-sharing expenses in an amount equal to the annual limitation in effect under subsection (c)(1) for the plan year (except as provided for in section 2713); and (ii) coverage for at least three primary care visits. (2) INDIVIDUALS ELIGIBLE FOR ENROLLMENT.—An individual is described in this paragraph for any plan year if the indi- vidual— (A) has not attained the age of 30 before the beginning of the plan year; or (B) has a certification in effect for any plan year under this title that the individual is exempt from the require- ment under section 5000A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 by reason of— (i) section 5000A(e)(1) of such Code (relating to individuals without affordable coverage); or (ii) section 5000A(e)(5) of such Code (relating to individuals with hardships). (3) RESTRICTION TO INDIVIDUAL MARKET.—If a health insur- ance issuer offers a health plan described in this subsection, the issuer may only offer the plan in the individual market. (f) CHILD-ONLY PLANS.—If a qualified health plan is offered through the Exchange in any level of coverage specified under subsection (d), the issuer shall also offer that plan through the Exchange in that level as a plan in which the only enrollees are individuals who, as of the beginning of a plan year, have not attained the age of 21, and such plan shall be treated as a qualified health plan. SEC. 1303. SPECIAL RULES. (a) SPECIAL RULES RELATING TO COVERAGE OF ABORTION SERV- ICES.— (1) VOLUNTARY CHOICE OF COVERAGE OF ABORTION SERV- ICES.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any other provision of this title (or any amendment made by this title), and subject to subparagraphs (C) and (D)— (i) nothing in this title (or any amendment made by this title), shall be construed to require a qualified health plan to provide coverage of services described in subparagraph (B)(i) or (B)(ii) as part of its essential health benefits for any plan year; and 42 USC 18023.