Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2000

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124 STAT. 1974 PUBLIC LAW 111–203—JULY 21, 2010 SEC. 1014. CONSUMER ADVISORY BOARD. (a) ESTABLISHMENT REQUIRED.—The Director shall establish a Consumer Advisory Board to advise and consult with the Bureau in the exercise of its functions under the Federal consumer financial laws, and to provide information on emerging practices in the consumer financial products or services industry, including regional trends, concerns, and other relevant information. (b) MEMBERSHIP.—In appointing the members of the Consumer Advisory Board, the Director shall seek to assemble experts in consumer protection, financial services, community development, fair lending and civil rights, and consumer financial products or services and representatives of depository institutions that pri- marily serve underserved communities, and representatives of communities that have been significantly impacted by higher-priced mortgage loans, and seek representation of the interests of covered persons and consumers, without regard to party affiliation. Not fewer than 6 members shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the regional Federal Reserve Bank Presidents, on a rotating basis. (c) MEETINGS.—The Consumer Advisory Board shall meet from time to time at the call of the Director, but, at a minimum, shall meet at least twice in each year. (d) COMPENSATION AND TRAVEL EXPENSES.—Members of the Consumer Advisory Board who are not full-time employees of the United States shall— (1) be entitled to receive compensation at a rate fixed by the Director while attending meetings of the Consumer Advisory Board, including travel time; and (2) be allowed travel expenses, including transportation and subsistence, while away from their homes or regular places of business. SEC. 1015. COORDINATION. The Bureau shall coordinate with the Commission, the Com- modity Futures Trading Commission, the Federal Trade Commis- sion, and other Federal agencies and State regulators, as appro- priate, to promote consistent regulatory treatment of consumer financial and investment products and services. SEC. 1016. APPEARANCES BEFORE AND REPORTS TO CONGRESS. (a) APPEARANCES BEFORE CONGRESS.—The Director of the Bureau shall appear before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Financial Services and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives at semi-annual hearings regarding the reports required under subsection (b). (b) REPORTS REQUIRED.—The Bureau shall, concurrent with each semi-annual hearing referred to in subsection (a), prepare and submit to the President and to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Financial Services and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives, a report, beginning with the session following the designated transfer date. The Bureau may also submit such report to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation of the Senate. (c) CONTENTS.—The reports required by subsection (b) shall include— 12 USC 5496. 12 USC 5495.