Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/218

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124 STAT. 192 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 (2) ADDITIONAL REPORTING REQUIREMENT.—Section 6033 of such Code (relating to returns by exempt organizations) is amended by redesignating subsection (m) as subsection (n) and by inserting after subsection (l) the following: ‘‘(m) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED FROM CO–OP INSURERS.—An organization described in section 501(c)(29) shall include on the return required under subsection (a) the following information: ‘‘(1) The amount of the reserves required by each State in which the organization is licensed to issue qualified health plans. ‘‘(2) The amount of reserves on hand.’’. (3) APPLICATION OF TAX ON EXCESS BENEFIT TRANS- ACTIONS.—Section 4958(e)(1) of such Code (defining applicable tax-exempt organization) is amended by striking ‘‘paragraph (3) or (4)’’ and inserting ‘‘paragraph (3), (4), or (29)’’. (i) GAO STUDY AND REPORT.— (1) STUDY.—The Comptroller General of the General Accountability Office shall conduct an ongoing study on com- petition and market concentration in the health insurance market in the United States after the implementation of the reforms in such market under the provisions of, and the amend- ments made by, this Act. Such study shall include an analysis of new issuers of health insurance in such market. (2) REPORT.—The Comptroller General shall, not later than December 31 of each even-numbered year (beginning with 2014), report to the appropriate committees of the Congress the results of the study conducted under paragraph (1), including any recommendations for administrative or legislative changes the Comptroller General determines necessary or appropriate to increase competition in the health insurance market. SEC. 1323. COMMUNITY HEALTH INSURANCE OPTION. (a) VOLUNTARY NATURE.— (1) NO REQUIREMENT FOR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS TO PARTICIPATE.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a health care provider to participate in a community health insurance option, or to impose any penalty for non- participation. (2) NO REQUIREMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS TO JOIN.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to require an individual to participate in a community health insurance option, or to impose any penalty for non-participation. (3) STATE OPT OUT.— (A) IN GENERAL.—A State may elect to prohibit Exchanges in such State from offering a community health insurance option if such State enacts a law to provide for such prohibition. (B) TERMINATION OF OPT OUT.—A State may repeal a law described in subparagraph (A) and provide for the offering of such an option through the Exchange. (b) ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH INSURANCE OPTION.— (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall establish a community health insurance option to offer, through the Exchanges established under this title (other than Exchanges 42 USC 18043. Effective date.