Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2203

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124 STAT. 2177 PUBLIC LAW 111–203—JULY 21, 2010 (2) AVAILABILITY.—The Secretary shall make the materials specified in paragraph (1) available for electronic access and, where appropriate, inform potential homebuyers of such avail- ability through home purchase counseling public service announcements and toll-free telephone hotlines of the Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development. The Secretary shall give special emphasis to reaching first-time and low-income homebuyers with these materials and efforts. (3) UPDATING.—The Secretary may periodically update and revise such materials, as the Secretary determines to be appro- priate. (b) REQUIREMENT FOR FHA-APPROVED LENDERS.—Each mort- gagee approved for participation in the mortgage insurance pro- grams under title II of the National Housing Act shall provide prospective homebuyers, at first contact, whether upon pre-quali- fication, pre-approval, or initial application, the materials specified in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (D) of subsection (a)(1). (c) REQUIREMENTS FOR HUD-APPROVED COUNSELING AGEN- CIES.—Each counseling agency certified pursuant by the Secretary to provide housing counseling services shall provide each of their clients, as part of the home purchase counseling process, the mate- rials specified in subparagraphs (C) and (D) of subsection (a)(1). (d) TRAINING.—Training provided the Department of Housing and Urban Development for housing counseling agencies, whether such training is provided directly by the Department or otherwise, shall include— (1) providing information on counseling potential home- buyers of the availability and importance of getting an inde- pendent home inspection; (2) providing information about the home inspection process, including the reasons for specific inspections such as radon and lead-based paint testing; (3) providing information about advising potential home- buyers on how to locate and select a qualified home inspector; and (4) review of home inspection public outreach materials of the Department. SEC. 1452. WARNINGS TO HOMEOWNERS OF FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS. (a) ASSISTANCE TO NRC.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, of any amounts made available for any fiscal year pursuant to section 106(a)(4)(F) of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701x(a)(4)(F)) (as added by section 1444), 10 percent shall be used only for assistance to the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation for activities, in consultation with servicers of residential mortgage loans, to provide notice to bor- rowers under such loans who are delinquent with respect to pay- ments due under such loans that makes such borrowers aware of the dangers of fraudulent activities associated with foreclosure. (b) NOTICE.—The Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, in consultation with servicers of residential mortgage loans, shall use the amounts provided pursuant to subsection (a) to carry out activi- ties to inform borrowers under residential mortgage loans— (1) that the foreclosure process is complex and can be confusing; Notice. 42 USC 8108. Public information.