Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/227

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124 STAT. 201 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 (B) HEALTH AND RESOURCE DIFFERENCES.—Consider- ation of, and the making of suitable allowances for, dif- ferences in health care needs of enrollees and differences in local availability of, and access to, health care providers. Nothing in this subparagraph shall be construed as allowing discrimination on the basis of pre-existing condi- tions or other health status-related factors. (C) MANAGED CARE.—Contracting with managed care systems, or with systems that offer as many of the attributes of managed care as are feasible in the local health care market. (D) PERFORMANCE MEASURES.—Establishing specific performance measures and standards for issuers of standard health plans that focus on quality of care and improved health outcomes, requiring such plans to report to the State with respect to the measures and standards, and making the performance and quality information avail- able to enrollees in a useful form. (3) ENHANCED AVAILABILITY.— (A) MULTIPLE PLANS.—A State shall, to the maximum extent feasible, seek to make multiple standard health plans available to eligible individuals within a State to ensure individuals have a choice of such plans. (B) REGIONAL COMPACTS.—A State may negotiate a regional compact with other States to include coverage of eligible individuals in all such States in agreements with issuers of standard health plans. (4) COORDINATION WITH OTHER STATE PROGRAMS.—A State shall seek to coordinate the administration of, and provision of benefits under, its program under this section with the State medicaid program under title XIX of the Social Security Act, the State child health plan under title XXI of such Act, and other State-administered health programs to maximize the efficiency of such programs and to improve the continuity of care. (d) TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO STATES.— (1) IN GENERAL.—If the Secretary determines that a State electing the application of this section meets the requirements of the program established under subsection (a), the Secretary shall transfer to the State for each fiscal year for which 1 or more standard health plans are operating within the State the amount determined under paragraph (3). (2) USE OF FUNDS.—A State shall establish a trust for the deposit of the amounts received under paragraph (1) and amounts in the trust fund shall only be used to reduce the premiums and cost-sharing of, or to provide additional benefits for, eligible individuals enrolled in standard health plans within the State. Amounts in the trust fund, and expenditures of such amounts, shall not be included in determining the amount of any non-Federal funds for purposes of meeting any matching or expenditure requirement of any federally-funded program. (3) AMOUNT OF PAYMENT.— (A) SECRETARIAL DETERMINATION.— (i) IN GENERAL.—The amount determined under this paragraph for any fiscal year is the amount the Secretary determines is equal to 85 percent of the premium tax credits under section 36B of the Internal Determination.