Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2317

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124 STAT. 2291 PUBLIC LAW 111–211—JULY 29, 2010 (f) LAW ENFORCEMENT AND JUDICIAL TRAINING.—Section 4218 of the Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treat- ment Act of 1986 (25 U.S.C. 2451) is amended— (1) by striking subsection (a) and inserting the following: ‘‘(a) TRAINING PROGRAMS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the Interior, in coordination with the Attorney General, the Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, shall ensure, through the establishment of a new training program or by supplementing existing training programs, that all Bureau of Indian Affairs and tribal law enforcement and judicial personnel have access to training regarding— ‘‘(A) the investigation and prosecution of offenses relating to illegal narcotics; and ‘‘(B) alcohol and substance abuse prevention and treat- ment. ‘‘(2) YOUTH-RELATED TRAINING.—Any training provided to Bureau of Indian Affairs or tribal law enforcement or judicial personnel under paragraph (1) shall include training in issues relating to youth alcohol and substance abuse prevention and treatment.’’; and (2) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘as may be necessary’’ and all that follows through the end of the subsection and inserting ‘‘as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2011 through 2015.’’. (g) JUVENILE DETENTION CENTERS.—Section 4220 of the Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1986 (25 U.S.C. 2453) is amended— (1) in subsection (a)— (A) by striking ‘‘The Secretary’’ the first place it appears and inserting the following: ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary’’; (B) in the second sentence, by striking ‘‘The Secretary shall’’ and inserting the following: ‘‘(2) CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION.—The Secretary shall’’; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(3) DEVELOPMENT OF PLAN.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this paragraph, the Secretary and the Attorney General, in consultation with tribal leaders and tribal justice officials, shall develop a long-term plan for the construction, renovation, and operation of Indian juvenile detention and treatment centers and alternatives to detention for juvenile offenders. ‘‘(B) COORDINATION.—The plan under subparagraph (A) shall require the Bureau of Indian Education and the Indian Health Service to coordinate with tribal and Bureau of Indian Affairs juvenile detention centers to provide serv- ices to those centers.’’; and (2) in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (b)— (A) by striking ‘‘for fiscal year 1993 and such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘for each of fiscal years 2011 through 2015’’; and Deadline.