Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/248

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124 STAT. 222 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 costs of benefits provided under the plan to 90 percent of such costs; and (B) in the case of an eligible insured whose household income is more than 150 percent but not more than 200 percent of the poverty line for a family of the size involved, increase the plan’s share of the total allowed costs of bene- fits provided under the plan to 80 percent of such costs. (3) METHODS FOR REDUCING COST-SHARING.— (A) IN GENERAL.—An issuer of a qualified health plan making reductions under this subsection shall notify the Secretary of such reductions and the Secretary shall make periodic and timely payments to the issuer equal to the value of the reductions. (B) CAPITATED PAYMENTS.—The Secretary may estab- lish a capitated payment system to carry out the payment of cost-sharing reductions under this section. Any such system shall take into account the value of the reductions and make appropriate risk adjustments to such payments. (4) ADDITIONAL BENEFITS.—If a qualified health plan under section 1302(b)(5) offers benefits in addition to the essential health benefits required to be provided by the plan, or a State requires a qualified health plan under section 1311(d)(3)(B) to cover benefits in addition to the essential health benefits required to be provided by the plan, the reductions in cost- sharing under this section shall not apply to such additional benefits. (5) SPECIAL RULE FOR PEDIATRIC DENTAL PLANS.—If an individual enrolls in both a qualified health plan and a plan described in section 1311(d)(2)(B)(ii)(I) for any plan year, sub- section (a) shall not apply to that portion of any reduction in cost-sharing under subsection (c) that (under regulations prescribed by the Secretary) is properly allocable to pediatric dental benefits which are included in the essential health bene- fits required to be provided by a qualified health plan under section 1302(b)(1)(J). (d) SPECIAL RULES FOR INDIANS.— (1) INDIANS UNDER 300 PERCENT OF POVERTY.—If an indi- vidual enrolled in any qualified health plan in the individual market through an Exchange is an Indian (as defined in section 4(d) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b(d))) whose household income is not more than 300 percent of the poverty line for a family of the size involved, then, for purposes of this section— (A) such individual shall be treated as an eligible insured; and (B) the issuer of the plan shall eliminate any cost- sharing under the plan. (2) ITEMS OR SERVICES FURNISHED THROUGH INDIAN HEALTH PROVIDERS.—If an Indian (as so defined) enrolled in a qualified health plan is furnished an item or service directly by the Indian Health Service, an Indian Tribe, Tribal Organization, or Urban Indian Organization or through referral under con- tract health services— (A) no cost-sharing under the plan shall be imposed under the plan for such item or service; and (B) the issuer of the plan shall not reduce the payment to any such entity for such item or service by the amount Notification.