Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2503

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124 STAT. 2477 PUBLIC LAW 111–227—AUG. 11, 2010 (B) by striking the date in the effective period column and inserting ‘‘12/31/2012’’. (16) CERTAIN RAYON STAPLE FIBERS.—Heading 9902.55.04 is amended— (A) in the article description, by striking ‘‘filaments’’ and inserting ‘‘staple fibers’’; (B) by striking ‘‘Free’’ in the column 1 general rate of duty column and inserting ‘‘1.8%’’; and (C) by striking the date in the effective period column and inserting ‘‘12/31/2012’’. (17) AZOXYSTROBIN.—Heading 9902.12.51 is amended— (A) by striking ‘‘6.17%’’ in the column 1 general rate of duty column and inserting ‘‘3.1%’’; and (B) by striking the date in the effective period column and inserting ‘‘12/31/2012’’. (18) CERTAIN EDUCATIONAL DEVICES.—Heading 9902.85.43 is amended— (A) by striking ‘‘0.55%’’ in the column 1 general rate of duty column and inserting ‘‘1.6%’’; and (B) by striking the date in the effective period column and inserting ‘‘12/31/2012’’. (19) CERTAIN BAGS FOR TOYS.—Heading 9902.01.78 is amended— (A) by striking the article description and inserting the following: ‘‘Bags (provided for in subheading 4202.92.45) for transporting, storing, or protecting goods of heading 9503 or 9504, imported and sold with such articles therein’’; (B) by striking ‘‘Free’’ in the column 1 general rate of duty column and inserting ‘‘8.9%’’; and (C) by striking the date in the effective period column and inserting ‘‘12/31/2012’’. (20) ARTICHOKES PREPARED OR PRESERVED BY VINEGAR OR ACETIC ACID.—Heading 9902.03.90 is amended— (A) by striking ‘‘7.9%’’ in the column 1 general rate of duty column and inserting ‘‘6.64%’’; and (B) by striking the date in the effective period column and inserting ‘‘12/31/2012’’. (21) ARTICHOKES PREPARED OR PRESERVED OTHERWISE THAN BY VINEGAR OR ACETIC ACID.—Heading 9902.03 .89 is amended— (A) by striking ‘‘13.8%’’ in the column 1 general rate of duty column and inserting ‘‘13.34%’’; and (B) by striking the date in the effective period column and inserting ‘‘12/31/2012’’. (22) CERTAIN CASES OR CONTAINERS TO BE USED FOR ELEC- TRONIC DRAWING TOYS, ELECTRONIC GAMES, OR EDUCATIONAL TOYS.—Heading 9902.11.90 is amended— (A) in the article description, by inserting ‘‘, or edu- cational toys or devices of heading 8543’’ after ‘‘or 9504’’; and (B) by striking the date in the effective period column and inserting ‘‘12/31/2012’’. (23) BASKETBALLS OTHER THAN OF LEATHER OR RUBBER.— Heading 9902.13.07 is amended— (A) by striking ‘‘0.9%’’ in the column 1 general rate of duty column and inserting ‘‘1.1%’’; and