Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2552

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124 STAT. 2526 PUBLIC LAW 111–240—SEPT. 27, 2010 ‘‘(3) an estimate of the total number of jobs created or retained as a result of export assistance provided by the Administration and resource partners of the Administration; ‘‘(4) for any travel by the staff of the Office, the destination of such travel and the benefits to the Administration and to small business concerns resulting from such travel; and ‘‘(5) a description of the participation by the Office in trade negotiations.’’; (6) in subsection (g), by striking ‘‘(g) The Office’’ and inserting the following: ‘‘(g) STUDIES.—The Associate Administrator’’; and (7) by adding after subsection (h), as added by section 1203 of this subtitle, the following: ‘‘(i) EXPORT AND TRADE COUNSELING.— ‘‘(1) DEFINITION.—In this subsection— ‘‘(A) the term ‘lead small business development center’ means a small business development center that has received a grant from the Administration; and ‘‘(B) the term ‘lead women’s business center’ means a women’s business center that has received a grant from the Administration. ‘‘(2) CERTIFICATION PROGRAM.—The Administrator shall establish an export and trade counseling certification program to certify employees of lead small business development centers and lead women’s business centers in providing export assist- ance to small business concerns. ‘‘(3) NUMBER OF CERTIFIED EMPLOYEES.—The Administrator shall ensure that the number of employees of each lead small business development center who are certified in providing export assistance is not less than the lesser of— ‘‘(A) 5; or ‘‘(B) 10 percent of the total number of employees of the lead small business development center. ‘‘(4) REIMBURSEMENT FOR CERTIFICATION.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the availability of appro- priations, the Administrator shall reimburse a lead small business development center or a lead women’s business center for costs relating to the certification of an employee of the lead small business center or lead women’s business center in providing export assistance under the program established under paragraph (2). ‘‘(B) LIMITATION.—The total amount reimbursed by the Administrator under subparagraph (A) may not exceed $350,000 in any fiscal year. ‘‘(j) PERFORMANCE MEASURES.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Associate Administrator shall develop performance measures for the Administration to sup- port export growth goals for the activities of the Office under this section that include— ‘‘(A) the number of small business concerns that— ‘‘(i) receive assistance from the Administration; ‘‘(ii) had not exported goods or services before receiving the assistance described in clause (i); and ‘‘(iii) export goods or services; ‘‘(B) the number of small business concerns receiving assistance from the Administration that export goods or services to a market outside the United States into which