Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2702

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124 STAT. 2676 PUBLIC LAW 111–259—OCT. 7, 2010 ‘‘(2) If the Director determines that the current total acquisition cost has increased by a percentage equal to or greater than the significant cost growth threshold or critical cost growth threshold, the Director shall submit to Congress a Major System Congressional Report pursuant to subsection (e). ‘‘(e) REQUIREMENT FOR MAJOR SYSTEM CONGRESSIONAL REPORT.—(1) Whenever the Director determines under subsection (d) that the total acquisition cost of a major system has increased by a percentage equal to or greater than the significant cost growth threshold for the major system, a Major System Congressional Report shall be submitted to Congress not later than 45 days after the date on which the Director receives the major system cost report for such major system. ‘‘(2) If the total acquisition cost of a major system (as deter- mined by the Director under subsection (d)) increases by a percent- age equal to or greater than the critical cost growth threshold for the program or subprogram, the Director shall take actions consistent with the requirements of section 506F. ‘‘(f) MAJOR SYSTEM CONGRESSIONAL REPORT ELEMENTS.—(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), each Major System Congres- sional Report shall include the following: ‘‘(A) The name of the major system. ‘‘(B) The date of the preparation of the report. ‘‘(C) The program phase of the major system as of the date of the preparation of the report. ‘‘(D) The estimate of the total acquisition cost for the major system expressed in constant base-year dollars and in current dollars. ‘‘(E) The current Baseline Estimate for the major system in constant base-year dollars and in current dollars. ‘‘(F) A statement of the reasons for any increase in total acquisition cost for the major system. ‘‘(G) The completion status of the major system— ‘‘(i) expressed as the percentage that the number of years for which funds have been appropriated for the major system is of the number of years for which it is planned that funds will be appropriated for the major system; and ‘‘(ii) expressed as the percentage that the amount of funds that have been appropriated for the major system is of the total amount of funds which it is planned will be appropriated for the major system. ‘‘(H) The fiscal year in which the major system was first authorized and in which funds for such system were first appro- priated by Congress. ‘‘(I) The current change and the total change, in dollars and expressed as a percentage, in the total acquisition cost for the major system, stated both in constant base-year dollars and in current dollars. ‘‘(J) The quantity of end items to be acquired under the major system and the current change and total change, if any, in that quantity. ‘‘(K) The identities of the officers responsible for manage- ment and cost control of the major system. ‘‘(L) The action taken and proposed to be taken to control future cost growth of the major system. ‘‘(M) Any changes made in the performance or schedule milestones of the major system and the extent to which such