Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2789

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124 STAT. 2763 PUBLIC LAW 111–260—OCT. 8, 2010 (A) providers of interconnected and non-interconnected VoIP services; (B) vendors, developers, and manufacturers of systems, facilities, equipment, and capabilities for the provision of interconnected and non-interconnected VoIP services; (C) national organizations representing individuals with disabilities and senior citizens; (D) Federal agencies or departments responsible for the implementation of the Next Generation E 9–1–1 system; (E) the National Institute of Standards and Tech- nology; and (F) other individuals with such technical knowledge and expertise. (3) REPRESENTATIVES OF OTHER STAKEHOLDERS AND INTERESTED PARTIES.—Representatives of such other stake- holders and interested and affected parties as the Chairman of the Commission determines appropriate. (c) DEVELOPMENT OF RECOMMENDATIONS.—Within 1 year after the completion of the member appointment process by the Chairman of the Commission pursuant to subsection (b), the Advisory Com- mittee shall conduct a national survey of individuals with disabil- ities, seeking input from the groups described in subsection (b)(2), to determine the most effective and efficient technologies and methods by which to enable access to emergency services by individ- uals with disabilities and shall develop and submit to the Commis- sion recommendations to implement such technologies and methods, including recommendations— (1) with respect to what actions are necessary as a part of the migration to a national Internet protocol-enabled network to achieve reliable, interoperable communication transmitted over such network that will ensure access to emergency services by individuals with disabilities; (2) for protocols, technical capabilities, and technical requirements to ensure the reliability and interoperability nec- essary to ensure access to emergency services by individuals with disabilities; (3) for the establishment of technical standards for use by public safety answering points, designated default answering points, and local emergency authorities; (4) for relevant technical standards and requirements for communication devices and equipment and technologies to enable the use of reliable emergency access; (5) for procedures to be followed by IP-enabled network providers to ensure that such providers do not install features, functions, or capabilities that would conflict with technical standards; (6) for deadlines by which providers of interconnected and non-interconnected VoIP services and manufacturers of equip- ment used for such services shall achieve the actions required in paragraphs (1) through (5), where achievable, and for the possible phase out of the use of current-generation TTY tech- nology to the extent that this technology is replaced with more effective and efficient technologies and methods to enable access to emergency services by individuals with disabilities; (7) for the establishment of rules to update the Commis- sion’s rules with respect to 9–1–1 services and E–911 services Deadline.