Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2837

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124 STAT. 2811 PUBLIC LAW 111–267—OCT. 11, 2010 SEC. 103. FISCAL YEAR 2013. There are authorized to be appropriated to NASA for fiscal year 2013, $19,960,000,000, as follows: (1) For Exploration, $5,264,000,000, of which— (A) $1,400,000,000 shall be for a multi-purpose crew vehicle and associated program and other necessary sup- port; (B) $2,640,000,000 shall be for Space Launch System and associated program and other necessary support; (C) $449,000,000 shall be for Exploration Technology Development; (D) $175,000,000 shall be for Human Research; (E) $500,000,000 shall be for commercial crew capabili- ties; and (F) $100,000,000 shall be for Robotic Precursor Instruments and Low-Cost Missions. (2) For Space Operations, $4,253,300,000, of which— (A) $3,129,400,000 shall be for the ISS operations and crew/cargo support; and (B) $1,123,900,000 shall be for Space and Flight Serv- ices, of which $400,000,000 shall be directed toward the NASA launch support and infrastructure modernization program. (3) For Science, $5,509,600,000, of which— (A) $2,089,500,000 shall be for Earth Sciences; (B) $1,591,200,000 shall be for Planetary Science; (C) $1,149,100,000 shall be for Astrophysics; and (D) $679,800,000 shall be for Heliophysics. (4) For Aeronautics, $1,105,000,000, of which— (A) $590,000,000 shall be for Aeronautics Research; and (B) $515,000,000 shall be for Space Technology. (5) For Education, $145,700,000, of which— (A) $25,000,000 shall be for the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research; and (B) $45,600,000 shall be for the Space Grant program. (6) For Cross-Agency Support Programs, $3,276,800,000. (7) For Construction and Environmental Compliance and Restoration, $366,900,000. (8) For Inspector General, $38,700,000. TITLE II—POLICY, GOALS, AND OBJEC- TIVES FOR HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT AND EXPLORATION SEC. 201. UNITED STATES HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT POLICY. (a) USE OF NON-UNITED STATES HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT TRANSPORTATION CAPABILITIES.—It is the policy of the United States that reliance upon and use of non-United States human space flight capabilities shall be undertaken only as a contingency in circumstances where no United States-owned and operated human space flight capability is available, operational, and certified for flight by appropriate Federal agencies. (b) UNITED STATES HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT CAPABILITIES.—Con- gress reaffirms the policy stated in section 501(a) of the National 42 USC 18311.