Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2849

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124 STAT. 2823 PUBLIC LAW 111–267—OCT. 11, 2010 (b) NASA ACTIONS.—In furtherance of the policy set forth in subsection (a), NASA shall pursue international, commercial, and intragovernmental means to maximize ISS logistics supply, mainte- nance, and operational capabilities, reduce risks to ISS systems sustainability, and offset and minimize United States operations costs relating to the ISS. SEC. 502. MAXIMUM UTILIZATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STA - TION. (a) IN GENERAL.—With assembly of the ISS complete, NASA shall take steps to maximize the productivity and use of the ISS with respect to scientific and technological research and develop- ment, advancement of space exploration, and international collaboration. (b) NASA ACTIONS.—In carrying out subsection (a), NASA shall, at a minimum, undertake the following: (1) INNOVATIVE USE OF U.S. SEGMENT.—The United States segment of the ISS, which has been designated as a National Laboratory, shall be developed, managed and utilized in a manner that enables the effective and innovative use of such facility, as provided in section 504. (2) INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION.—The ISS shall continue to be utilized as a key component of international efforts to build missions and capabilities that further the development of a human presence beyond near-Earth space and advance United States security and economic goals. The Administrator shall actively seek ways to encourage and enable the use of ISS capabilities to support these efforts. (3) DOMESTIC COLLABORATION.—The operations, manage- ment, and utilization of the ISS shall be conducted in a manner that provides opportunities for collaboration with other research programs and objectives of the United States Government in cooperation with commercial suppliers, users, and developers. SEC. 503. MAINTENANCE OF THE UNITED STATES SEGMENT AND ASSURANCE OF CONTINUED OPERATIONS OF THE INTER- NATIONAL SPACE STATION. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator shall take all actions nec- essary to ensure the safe and effective operation, maintenance, and maximum utilization of the United States segment of the ISS through at least September 30, 2020. (b) VEHICLE AND COMPONENT REVIEW.— (1) IN GENERAL.—In carrying out subsection (a), the Administrator shall, as soon as is practicable after the date of the enactment of this Act, carry out a comprehensive assess- ment of the essential modules, operational systems and compo- nents, structural elements, and permanent scientific equipment on board or planned for delivery and installation aboard the ISS, including both United States and international partner elements, for purposes of identifying the spare or replacement modules, systems and components, elements, and equipment that are required to ensure complete, effective, and safe func- tioning and full scientific utilization of the ISS through Sep- tember 30, 2020. (2) DATA.—In carrying out the assessment, the Adminis- trator shall assemble any existing data, and provide for the development of any data or analysis not currently available, that is necessary for purposes of the assessment. Assessment. 42 USC 18353. 42 USC 18352.