Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2897

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124 STAT. 2871 PUBLIC LAW 111–275—OCT. 13, 2010 designed to provide covered training, on-job training, apprenticeships, and certification classes to a significant number of eligible veterans and ensure lasting and sustainable employment in well-paying jobs in the energy industry. (2) Evidence that the State has— (A) a population of eligible veterans of an appropriate size to carry out the State program; (B) a robust and diverse energy industry; and (C) the ability to carry out the State program described in the proposal under paragraph (1). (3) Such other information and assurances as the Secretary may require. (c) USE OF FUNDS.—A State that is the recipient of a grant under this section shall use the grant for the following purposes: (1) Making grants to energy employers to reimburse such employers for the cost of providing covered training, on-job training, apprenticeships, and certification classes to eligible veterans who are first hired by the employer on or after November 1, 2010. (2) Conducting outreach to inform energy employers and veterans, including veterans in rural areas, of their eligibility or potential eligibility for participation in the State program. (d) CONDITIONS.—Under the pilot program, each grant to a State shall be subject to the following conditions: (1) The State shall repay to the Secretary, on such date as shall be determined by the Secretary, any amount received under the pilot program that is not used for the purposes described in subsection (c). (2) The State shall submit to the Secretary, at such times and containing such information as the Secretary shall require, reports on the use of grant funds. (e) EMPLOYER REQUIREMENTS.—In order to receive a grant made by a State under the pilot program, an energy employer shall— (1) submit to the administrator of the State Energy-Related Employment Program an application that includes— (A) the rate of pay, during and after training, for each eligible veteran proposed to be trained using grant funds; (B) the average rate of pay for an individual employed by the energy employer in a similar position who is not an eligible veteran; and (C) such other information and assurances as the administrator may require; and (2) agree to submit to the administrator, for each quarter, a report containing such information as the Secretary may specify. (f) LIMITATION.—None of the funds made available to an energy employer through a grant under the pilot program may be used to provide training of any kind to— (1) a person who is not an eligible veteran; or (2) an eligible veteran for whom the employer has received a grant, credit, or subsidy under any other provision of law. (g) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Together with the report required to be submitted annually under section 4107(c) of title 38, United States Code, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the pilot program for the year covered by such report. The report Reports. Deadlines. Reports. Payments.