Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2981

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124 STAT. 2955 PUBLIC LAW 111–281—OCT. 15, 2010 ‘‘(2) qualified marine casualty investigator or marine safety engineer. ‘‘(g) SIGNATORIES OF LETTER OF QUALIFICATION FOR CERTAIN PREVENTION PERSONNEL.—Each individual signing a letter of quali- fication for marine safety personnel must hold a letter of qualifica- tion for the type being certified. ‘‘(h) SECTOR CHIEF OF RESPONSE.—There shall be in each Coast Guard sector a Chief of Response who shall be at least a Lieutenant Commander or civilian employee within the grade GS–13 of the General Schedule in each Coast Guard sector. ‘‘§ 58. Centers of expertise for Coast Guard prevention and response ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Commandant of the Coast Guard may establish and operate one or more centers of expertise for prevention and response missions of the Coast Guard (in this section referred to as a ‘center’). ‘‘(b) MISSIONS.—Each center shall— ‘‘(1) promote and facilitate education, training, and research; ‘‘(2) develop a repository of information on its missions and specialties; and ‘‘(3) perform any other missions as the Commandant may specify. ‘‘(c) JOINT OPERATION WITH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION AUTHOR- IZED.—The Commandant may enter into an agreement with an appropriate official of an institution of higher education to— ‘‘(1) provide for joint operation of a center; and ‘‘(2) provide necessary administrative services for a center, including administration and allocation of funds. ‘‘(d) ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS.— ‘‘(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Commandant may accept, on behalf of a center, donations to be used to defray the costs of the center or to enhance the operation of the center. Those donations may be accepted from any State or local government, any foreign government, any foundation or other charitable organization (including any that is organized or operates under the laws of a foreign country), or any indi- vidual. ‘‘(2) The Commandant may not accept a donation under paragraph (1) if the acceptance of the donation would com- promise or appear to compromise— ‘‘(A) the ability of the Coast Guard or the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, any employee of the Coast Guard or the department, or any member of the Armed Forces to carry out any responsibility or duty in a fair and objective manner; or ‘‘(B) the integrity of any program of the Coast Guard, the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, or of any person involved in such a program. ‘‘(3) The Commandant shall prescribe written guidance set- ting forth the criteria to be used in determining whether or not the acceptance of a donation from a foreign source would have a result described in paragraph (2). Guidelines.