Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3028

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124 STAT. 3002 PUBLIC LAW 111–281—OCT. 15, 2010 ‘‘(B) facility security force operations and management; ‘‘(C) physical security and access control at facilities; ‘‘(D) methods of security for preventing and countering cargo theft; ‘‘(E) container security; ‘‘(F) recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances, and devices; ‘‘(G) operation and maintenance of security equipment and systems; ‘‘(H) security threats and patterns; ‘‘(I) security incident procedures, including procedures for communicating with governmental and nongovern- mental emergency response providers; and ‘‘(J) evacuation procedures; ‘‘(6) is consistent with, and supports implementation of, the National Incident Management System, the National Response Plan, the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, the National Preparedness Guidance, the National Prepared- ness Goal, the National Maritime Transportation Security Plan, and other such national initiatives; ‘‘(7) is evaluated against clear and consistent performance measures; ‘‘(8) addresses security requirements under facility security plans; ‘‘(9) addresses requirements under the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities to address shore leave for mariners and access to visitors, representatives of seafarers’ welfare organizations, and labor organizations; and ‘‘(10) such other subject matters as may be prescribed by the Secretary. ‘‘(c) CONTINUING SECURITY TRAINING.—The Secretary, in coordination with the Secretary of Transportation, shall work with State and local law enforcement agencies and industry stakeholders to develop and certify the following additional security training requirements for Federal, State, and local officials with security responsibilities at United States seaports: ‘‘(1) A program to familiarize them with port and shipping operations, requirements of the Maritime Transportation Secu- rity Act of 2002 (Public Law 107–295), and other port and cargo security programs that educates and trains them with respect to their roles and responsibilities. ‘‘(2) A program to familiarize them with dangers and poten- tial issues with respect to shipments of hazardous and espe- cially hazardous cargoes. ‘‘(3) A program of continuing education as deemed nec- essary by the Secretary. ‘‘(d) TRAINING PARTNERS.—In developing curriculum and deliv- ering training established pursuant to subsections (a) and (c), the Secretary, in coordination with the Maritime Administrator of the Department of Transportation and consistent with section 109 of the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 [46 U.S.C. 70101 note], shall work with institutions with maritime expertise and with industry stakeholders with security expertise to develop appro- priate training capacity to ensure that training can be provided in a geographically balanced manner to personnel seeking certifi- cation under subsection (a) or education and training under sub- section (c).