Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3052

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124 STAT. 3026 PUBLIC LAW 111–281—OCT. 15, 2010 to the Convention, may demonstrate compliance with this title through other appropriate documentation considered acceptable by the Secretary. SEC. 1022. DECLARATION. (a) REQUIREMENTS.—On entry into force of the Convention for the United States, a vessel of at least 24 meters in length, but less than 400 gross tons engaged on an international voyage (except fixed or floating platforms, FSUs, and FPSOs) must carry a declara- tion described in subsection (b) that is signed by the owner or owner’s authorized agent. That declaration shall be accompanied by appropriate documentation, such as a paint receipt or a con- tractor invoice, or contain an appropriate endorsement. (b) CONTENT OF DECLARATION.—The declaration must contain a clear statement that the antifouling system on the vessel complies with the Convention. The Secretary may prescribe the form and other requirements of the declaration. SEC. 1023. OTHER COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTATION. In addition to the requirements under sections 1021 and 1022, the Secretary may require vessels to hold other documentation considered necessary to verify compliance with this title. SEC. 1024. PROCESS FOR CONSIDERING ADDITIONAL CONTROLS. (a) ACTIONS BY ADMINISTRATOR.—The Administrator may— (1) participate in the technical group described in Article 7 of the Convention, and in any other body convened pursuant to the Convention for the consideration of new or additional controls on antifouling systems; (2) evaluate any risks of adverse effects on nontarget orga- nisms or human health presented by a given antifouling system such that the amendment of annex 1 of the Convention may be warranted; (3) undertake an assessment of relevant environmental, technical, and economic considerations necessary to evaluate any proposals for new or additional controls of antifouling sys- tems under the Convention, including benefits in the United States and elsewhere associated with the production and use in the United States and elsewhere, of the subject antifouling system; and (4) develop recommendations based on that assessment. (b) REFERRALS TO TECHNICAL GROUP.— (1) CONVENING OF SHIPPING COORDINATING COMMITTEE.— On referral of any antifouling system to the technical group described in article 7 of the Convention for consideration of new or additional controls, the Secretary of State shall convene a public meeting of the Shipping Coordinating Committee for the purpose of receiving information and comments regarding controls on such antifouling system. The Secretary of State shall publish advance notice of such meeting in the Federal Register and on the State Department’s Web site. The Adminis- trator shall assemble and maintain a public docket containing notices pertaining to that meeting, any comments responding to those notices, the minutes of that meeting, and materials presented at that meeting. (2) REPORT BY TECHNICAL GROUP.—The Administrator shall promptly make any report by the technical group described in the Convention available to the public through the docket Federal Register, publication. Notice. Web posting. Public information. 33 USC 3824. 33 USC 3823. 33 USC 3822.