Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3063

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124 STAT. 3037 PUBLIC LAW 111–282—OCT. 15, 2010 step at the beginning of the first pay period immediately fol- lowing the completion of 104 calendar weeks of active service in the member’s service step. ‘‘(3) Each member in service step 12 shall be advanced successively to the next higher service step at the beginning of the first pay period immediately following the completion of 156 calendar weeks of active service in the member’s service step. ‘‘§ 10206. Technician positions ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—(1) Each member whose position is deter- mined under section 10202(a)(3) to be included as a technician position shall, on or after such date, receive, in addition to the member’s scheduled rate of basic pay, an amount equal to 6 percent of the sum of such member’s rate of basic pay and the applicable locality-based comparability payment. ‘‘(2) A member described in this subsection shall receive the additional compensation authorized by this subsection until such time as the member’s position is determined under section 10202(a)(3) not to be a technician position, or until the member no longer occupies such position, whichever occurs first. ‘‘(3) The additional compensation authorized by this subsection shall be paid to a member in the same manner and at the same time as the member’s basic pay is paid. ‘‘(b) EXCEPTIONS.—(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the additional compensation authorized by subsection (a)(1) shall be considered as basic pay for all purposes, including section 8401(4). ‘‘(2) The additional compensation authorized by subsection (a)(1) shall not be considered as basic pay for the purposes of— ‘‘(A) section 5304; or ‘‘(B) section 7511(a)(4). ‘‘(3) The loss of the additional compensation authorized by subsection (a)(1) shall not constitute an adverse action for the purposes of section 7512. ‘‘§ 10207. Promotions ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Each member who is promoted to a higher rank shall receive basic pay at the same step at which such member was being compensated prior to the date of the promotion. ‘‘(b) CREDIT FOR SERVICE.—For the purposes of a service step adjustment under section 10205, periods of service at the lower rank shall be credited in the same manner as if it was service at the rank to which the employee is promoted. ‘‘§ 10208. Demotions ‘‘When a member is changed or demoted from any rank to a lower rank, the Secretary may fix the member’s rate of basic pay at the rate of pay for any step in the lower rank which does not exceed the lowest step in the lower rank for which the rate of basic pay is equal to or greater than the member’s existing rate of basic pay. ‘‘§ 10209. Clothing allowances ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—In addition to the benefits provided under section 5901, the Director of the United States Secret Service or the designee of the Director is authorized to provide a clothing