Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3225

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124 STAT. 3199 PUBLIC LAW 111–296—DEC. 13, 2010 ‘‘(dd) the nutritional quality of school meals; and ‘‘(ee) program participation; and ‘‘(V) the multiplier and threshold, as described in clauses (vii) and (viii) respectively, that the Secretary will use for each school year beginning on or after July 1, 2014 and the rationale for any change in the multiplier or threshold. ‘‘(xiii) FUNDING.— ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—On October 1, 2010, out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated, the Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer to the Secretary to carry out clause (xii) $5,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2014. ‘‘(II) RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE.—The Sec- retary shall be entitled to receive, shall accept, and shall use to carry out clause (xii) the funds transferred under subclause (I), without further appropriation.’’. (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Section 11(a)(1)(B) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1759a(a)(1)(B)) is amended by striking ‘‘or (E)’’ and inserting ‘‘(E), or (F)’’. (b) UNIVERSAL MEAL SERVICE THROUGH CENSUS DATA.—Section 11 of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1759a) is amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(g) UNIVERSAL MEAL SERVICE THROUGH CENSUS DATA.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—To the maximum extent practicable, the Secretary shall identify alternatives to— ‘‘(A) the daily counting by category of meals provided by school lunch programs under this Act and the school breakfast program established by section 4 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1773); and ‘‘(B) the use of annual applications as the basis for eligibility to receive free meals or reduced price meals under this Act. ‘‘(2) RECOMMENDATIONS.— ‘‘(A) CONSIDERATIONS.— ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—In identifying alternatives under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall consider the rec- ommendations of the Committee on National Statistics of the National Academy of Sciences relating to use of the American Community Survey of the Bureau of the Census and other data sources. ‘‘(ii) SOCIOECONOMIC SURVEY.—The Secretary shall consider use of a periodic socioeconomic survey of households of children attending school in the school food authority in not more than 3 school food authori- ties participating in the school lunch program under this Act. ‘‘(iii) SURVEY PARAMETERS.—The Secretary shall establish requirements for the use of a socioeconomic survey under clause (ii), which shall— ‘‘(I) include criteria for survey design, sample frame validity, minimum level of statistical preci- sion, minimum survey response rates, frequency Effective date.