Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3309

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124 STAT. 3283 PUBLIC LAW 111–308 —DEC. 14, 2010 Public Law 111–308 111th Congress An Act To provide for the training of Federal building personnel, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act of 2010’’. SEC. 2. TRAINING OF FEDERAL BUILDING PERSONNEL. (a) IDENTIFICATION OF CORE COMPETENCIES.—Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Administrator of General Services, in consultation with representatives of relevant professional societies, industry associations, and apprenticeship training providers, and after pro- viding notice and an opportunity for comment, shall identify the core competencies necessary for Federal personnel performing building operations and maintenance, energy management, safety, and design functions to comply with requirements under Federal law. The core competencies identified shall include competencies relating to building operations and maintenance, energy manage- ment, sustainability, water efficiency, safety (including electrical safety), and building performance measures. (b) DESIGNATION OF RELEVANT COURSES, CERTIFICATIONS, DEGREES, LICENSES, AND REGISTRATIONS.—The Administrator, in consultation with representatives of relevant professional societies, industry associations, and apprenticeship training providers, shall identify a course, certification, degree, license, or registration to demonstrate each core competency, and for ongoing training with respect to each core competency, identified for a category of per- sonnel specified in subsection (a). (c) IDENTIFIED COMPETENCIES.—An individual shall dem- onstrate each core competency identified by the Administrator under subsection (a) for the category of personnel that includes such individual. An individual shall demonstrate each core competency through the means identified under subsection (b) not later than one year after the date on which such core competency is identified under subsection (a) or, if the date of hire of such individual occurs after the date of such identification, not later than one year after such date of hire. In the case of an individual hired for an employment period not to exceed one year, such individual shall demonstrate each core competency at the start of the employ- ment period. (d) CONTINUING EDUCATION.—The Administrator, in consulta- tion with representatives of relevant professional societies, industry Deadline. Deadlines. Notice. Comment period. Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act of 2010. 40 USC 581 note. Dec. 14, 2010 [S. 3250]