Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3380

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124 STAT. 3354 PUBLIC LAW 111–314—DEC. 18, 2010 (A) is intended to transport one or more persons; (B) is designed to operate in outer space; and (C) is either— (i) owned by the Administration; or (ii) owned by an Administration contractor or cooper- ating party and operated as part of an Administration mission or a joint mission with the Administration. (2) CREWMEMBER.—The term ‘‘crewmember’’ means an astro- naut or other person assigned to an Administration human space flight vehicle. (b) CONTROL OF REMAINS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), when there is an accident or mishap resulting in the death of a crewmember of an Administration human space flight vehicle, the Administrator may take control over the remains of the crewmember and order autopsies and other scientific or medical tests. (2) TREATMENT.—Each crewmember shall provide the Administrator with the crewmember’s preferences regarding the treatment accorded to the crewmember’s remains and the Administrator shall, to the extent possible, respect those stated preferences. (3) CONSTRUCTION.—This section shall not be construed to permit the Administrator to interfere with any Federal inves- tigation of a mishap or accident. SUBCHAPTER IV—UPPER ATMOSPHERE RESEARCH § 20161. Congressional declaration of purpose and policy (a) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this subchapter is to authorize and direct the Administration to develop and carry out a comprehen- sive program of research, technology, and monitoring of the phe- nomena of the upper atmosphere so as to provide for an under- standing of and to maintain the chemical and physical integrity of the Earth’s upper atmosphere. (b) POLICY.—Congress declares that it is the policy of the United States to undertake an immediate and appropriate research, tech- nology, and monitoring program that will provide for understanding the physics and chemistry of the Earth’s upper atmosphere. § 20162. Definition of upper atmosphere In this subchapter, the term ‘‘upper atmosphere’’ means that portion of the Earth’s sensible atmosphere above the troposphere. § 20163. Program authorized (a) IN GENERAL.—In order to carry out the purposes of this subchapter, the Administration, in cooperation with other Federal agencies, shall initiate and carry out a program of research, tech- nology, monitoring, and other appropriate activities directed to understand the physics and chemistry of the upper atmosphere. (b) ACTIVITIES.—In carrying out the provisions of this subchapter, the Administration shall— (1) arrange for participation by the scientific and engineering community, of both the Nation’s industrial organizations and institutions of higher education, in planning and carrying out appropriate research, in developing necessary technology, and in making necessary observations and measurements;