Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/339

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124 STAT. 313 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 (3) by redesignating paragraph (7) as paragraph (8); and (4) by inserting after paragraph (6) the following new para- graph: ‘‘(7) REDUCTION OF STATE DSH ALLOTMENTS ONCE REDUC- TION IN UNINSURED THRESHOLD REACHED.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph (E), the DSH allotment for a State for fiscal years beginning with the fiscal year described in subparagraph (C) (with respect to the State), is equal to— ‘‘(i) in the case of the first fiscal year described in subparagraph (C) with respect to a State, the DSH allotment that would be determined under this sub- section for the State for the fiscal year without applica- tion of this paragraph (but after the application of subparagraph (D)), reduced by the applicable percent- age determined for the State for the fiscal year under subparagraph (B)(i); and ‘‘(ii) in the case of any subsequent fiscal year with respect to the State, the DSH allotment determined under this paragraph for the State for the preceding fiscal year, reduced by the applicable percentage deter- mined for the State for the fiscal year under subpara- graph (B)(ii). ‘‘(B) APPLICABLE PERCENTAGE.—For purposes of subparagraph (A), the applicable percentage for a State for a fiscal year is the following: ‘‘(i) UNINSURED REDUCTION THRESHOLD FISCAL YEAR.—In the case of the first fiscal year described in subparagraph (C) with respect to the State— ‘‘(I) if the State is a low DSH State described in paragraph (5)(B), the applicable percentage is equal to 25 percent; and ‘‘(II) if the State is any other State, the applicable percentage is 50 percent. ‘‘(ii) SUBSEQUENT FISCAL YEARS IN WHICH THE PERCENTAGE OF UNINSURED DECREASES.—In the case of any fiscal year after the first fiscal year described in subparagraph (C) with respect to a State, if the Secretary determines on the basis of the most recent American Community Survey of the Bureau of the Census, that the percentage of uncovered individuals residing in the State is less than the percentage of such individuals determined for the State for the pre- ceding fiscal year— ‘‘(I) if the State is a low DSH State described in paragraph (5)(B), the applicable percentage is equal to the product of the percentage reduction in uncovered individuals for the fiscal year from the preceding fiscal year and 25 percent; and ‘‘(II) if the State is any other State, the applicable percentage is equal to the product of the percentage reduction in uncovered individuals for the fiscal year from the preceding fiscal year and 50 percent. ‘‘(C) FISCAL YEAR DESCRIBED.—For purposes of subparagraph (A), the fiscal year described in this subpara- graph with respect to a State is the first fiscal year that Determination. Determination.