Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3435

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124 STAT. 3409 PUBLIC LAW 111–314—DEC. 18, 2010 CHAPTER 601—LAND REMOTE SENSING POLICY SUBCHAPTER I—GENERAL Sec. 60101. Definitions. SUBCHAPTER II—LANDSAT 60111. Landsat Program Management. 60112. Transfer of Landsat 6 program responsibilities. 60113. Data policy for Landsat 7. SUBCHAPTER III—LICENSING OF PRIVATE REMOTE SENSING SPACE SYSTEMS 60121. General licensing authority. 60122. Conditions for operation. 60123. Administrative authority of Secretary. 60124. Regulatory authority of Secretary. 60125. Agency activities. SUBCHAPTER IV—RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND DEMONSTRATION 60131. Continued Federal research and development. 60132. Availability of federally gathered unenhanced data. 60133. Technology demonstration program. 60134. Preference for private sector land remote sensing system. SUBCHAPTER V—GENERAL PROVISIONS 60141. Nondiscriminatory data availability. 60142. Archiving of data. 60143. Nonreproduction. 60144. Reimbursement for assistance. 60145. Acquisition of equipment. 60146. Radio frequency allocation. 60147. Consultation. 60148. Enforcement. SUBCHAPTER VI—PROHIBITION OF COMMERCIALIZATION OF WEATHER SATELLITES 60161. Prohibition. 60162. Future considerations. SUBCHAPTER I—GENERAL § 60101. Definitions In this chapter: (1) COST OF FULFILLING USER REQUESTS.—The term ‘‘cost of fulfilling user requests’’ means the incremental costs associ- ated with providing product generation, reproduction, and dis- tribution of unenhanced data in response to user requests and shall not include any acquisition, amortization, or depreciation of capital assets originally paid for by the United States Govern- ment or other costs not specifically attributable to fulfilling user requests. (2) DATA CONTINUITY.—The term ‘‘data continuity’’ means the continued acquisition and availability of unenhanced data which are, from the point of view of the user— (A) sufficiently consistent (in terms of acquisition geom- etry, coverage characteristics, and spectral characteristics) with previous Landsat data to allow comparisons for global and regional change detection and characterization; and (B) compatible with such data and with methods used to receive and process such data. (3) DATA PREPROCESSING.—The term ‘‘data preprocessing’’— (A) may include—