Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3462

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124 STAT. 3436 PUBLIC LAW 111–314—DEC. 18, 2010 § 70710. Reporting requirements and termination (a) INTERIM REPORTS.—A Commission may submit to the Presi- dent and Congress interim reports containing such findings, conclu- sions, and recommendations for corrective actions as have been agreed to by a majority of Commission members. (b) FINAL REPORT.—A Commission shall submit to the President and Congress, and make concurrently available to the public, a final report containing such findings, conclusions, and recommenda- tions for corrective actions as have been agreed to by a majority of Commission members. Such report shall include any minority views or opinions not reflected in the majority report. (c) TERMINATION.— (1) IN GENERAL.—A Commission, and all the authorities of this chapter with respect to that Commission, shall terminate 60 days after the date on which the final report is submitted under subsection (b). (2) ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES BEFORE TERMINATION.—A Commission may use the 60-day period referred to in paragraph (1) for the purpose of concluding its activities, including pro- viding testimony to committees of Congress concerning its reports and disseminating the final report. CHAPTER 709—INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION Sec. 70901. Peaceful uses of space station. 70902. Allocation of International Space Station research budget. 70903. International Space Station research. 70904. International Space Station completion. 70905. National laboratory designation. 70906. International Space Station National Laboratory Advisory Committee. 70907. Maintaining use through at least 2020. § 70901. Peaceful uses of space station No civil space station authorized under section 103(a)(1) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1991 (Public Law 101–611, 104 Stat. 3190) may be used to carry or place in orbit any nuclear weapon or any other weapon of mass destruction, to install any such weapon on any celestial body, or to station any such weapon in space in any other manner. This civil space station may be used only for peaceful purposes. § 70902. Allocation of International Space Station research budget The Administrator shall allocate at least 15 percent of the funds budgeted for International Space Station research to ground-based, free-flyer, and International Space Station life and microgravity science research that is not directly related to supporting the human exploration program, consistent with section 40904 of this title. § 70903. International Space Station research The Administrator shall— (1) carry out a program of microgravity research consistent with section 40904 of this title; and (2) consider the need for a life sciences centrifuge and any associated holding facilities.