Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3528

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124 STAT. 3502 PUBLIC LAW 111–320—DEC. 20, 2010 and dating violence intervention and prevention, through activities that shall include— ‘‘(1) working with local family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence service programs and providers of direct services to encourage appropriate and comprehensive responses to family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence against adults or youth within the State involved, including providing training and technical assistance and conducting State needs assessments; ‘‘(2) participating in planning and monitoring the distribu- tion of subgrants and subgrant funds within the State under section 308(a); ‘‘(3) working in collaboration with service providers and community-based organizations to address the needs of family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence victims, and their dependents, who are members of racial and ethnic minority populations and underserved populations; ‘‘(4) collaborating with and providing information to entities in such fields as housing, health care, mental health, social welfare, or business to support the development and implementation of effective policies, protocols, and programs that address the safety and support needs of adult and youth victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence; ‘‘(5) encouraging appropriate responses to cases of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence against adults or youth, including by working with judicial and law enforce- ment agencies; ‘‘(6) working with family law judges, criminal court judges, child protective service agencies, and children’s advocates to develop appropriate responses to child custody and visitation issues in cases of child exposure to family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence and in cases in which— ‘‘(A) family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence is present; and ‘‘(B) child abuse is present; ‘‘(7) providing information to the public about prevention of family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence, including information targeted to underserved populations; and ‘‘(8) collaborating with Indian tribes and tribal organiza- tions (and corresponding Native Hawaiian groups or commu- nities) to address the needs of Indian (including Alaska Native) and Native Hawaiian victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, as applicable in the State. ‘‘(e) LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS.—A coalition that receives a grant under this section shall not be required to use funds received under this title for the purposes described in paragraph (5) or (6) of subsection (d) if the coalition provides an annual assurance to the Secretary that the coalition is— ‘‘(1) using funds received under section 2001(c)(1) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796gg(c)(1)) for such purposes; and ‘‘(2) coordinating the activities carried out by the coalition under subsection (d) with the State’s activities under part T of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3796gg et seq.) that address those purposes. ‘‘(f) PROHIBITION ON LOBBYING.—No funds made available to entities under this section shall be used, directly or indirectly,