Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3530

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124 STAT. 3504 PUBLIC LAW 111–320—DEC. 20, 2010 ‘‘(2) a description of how the entity will provide develop- mentally appropriate and age-appropriate services, and cul- turally and linguistically appropriate services, to the victims and children; and ‘‘(3) a description of how the entity will ensure that profes- sionals working with the children receive the training and technical assistance appropriate and relevant to the unique needs of children exposed to family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence. ‘‘(d) USE OF FUNDS.—An entity that receives a grant under this section for a family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence service or community-based program described in sub- section (a)— ‘‘(1) shall use the funds made available through the grant— ‘‘(A) to provide direct counseling, appropriate services consistent with subsection (c)(2), or advocacy on behalf of victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence and their children, including coordinating services with services provided by the child welfare system; ‘‘(B) to provide services for nonabusing parents to sup- port those parents’ roles as caregivers and their roles in responding to the social, emotional, and developmental needs of their children; and ‘‘(C) where appropriate, to provide the services described in this subsection while working with such a nonabusing parent and child together; and ‘‘(2) may use the funds made available through the grant— ‘‘(A) to provide early childhood development and mental health services; ‘‘(B) to coordinate activities with and provide technical assistance to community-based organizations serving vic- tims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence or children exposed to family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence; and ‘‘(C) to provide additional services and referrals to serv- ices for children, including child care, transportation, edu- cational support, respite care, supervised visitation, or other necessary services. ‘‘(e) REPORTS AND EVALUATION.—Each entity receiving a grant under this section shall submit a performance report to the Sec- retary at such time as shall be reasonably required by the Secretary. Such performance report shall describe the activities that have been carried out with such grant funds, contain an evaluation of the effectiveness of such activities, and provide such additional information as the Secretary may reasonably require. ‘‘SEC. 313. NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE GRANT. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall award a grant to 1 or more private entities to provide for the ongoing operation of a 24-hour, national, toll-free telephone hotline to provide informa- tion and assistance to adult and youth victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, family and household members of such victims, and persons affected by the victimization. The Secretary shall give priority to applicants with experience in oper- ating a hotline that provides assistance to adult and youth victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence. 42 USC 10413.