Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/365

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124 STAT. 339 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 ‘‘(D) Eligible families that have a history of child abuse or neglect or have had interactions with child welfare serv- ices. ‘‘(E) Eligible families that have a history of substance abuse or need substance abuse treatment. ‘‘(F) Eligible families that have users of tobacco prod- ucts in the home. ‘‘(G) Eligible families that are or have children with low student achievement. ‘‘(H) Eligible families with children with developmental delays or disabilities. ‘‘(I) Eligible families who, or that include individuals who, are serving or formerly served in the Armed Forces, including such families that have members of the Armed Forces who have had multiple deployments outside of the United States. ‘‘(e) APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS.—An eligible entity desiring a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Sec- retary for approval, in such manner as the Secretary may require, that includes the following: ‘‘(1) A description of the populations to be served by the entity, including specific information regarding how the entity will serve high risk populations described in subsection (d)(4). ‘‘(2) An assurance that the entity will give priority to serving low-income eligible families and eligible families who reside in at risk communities identified in the statewide needs assessment required under subsection (b)(1)(A). ‘‘(3) The service delivery model or models described in subsection (d)(3)(A) that the entity will use under the program and the basis for the selection of the model or models. ‘‘(4) A statement identifying how the selection of the popu- lations to be served and the service delivery model or models that the entity will use under the program for such populations is consistent with the results of the statewide needs assessment conducted under subsection (b). ‘‘(5) The quantifiable, measurable benchmarks established by the State to demonstrate that the program contributes to improvements in the areas specified in subsection (d)(1)(A). ‘‘(6) An assurance that the entity will obtain and submit documentation or other appropriate evidence from the organiza- tion or entity that developed the service delivery model or models used under the program to verify that the program is implemented and services are delivered according to the model specifications. ‘‘(7) Assurances that the entity will establish procedures to ensure that— ‘‘(A) the participation of each eligible family in the program is voluntary; and ‘‘(B) services are provided to an eligible family in accordance with the individual assessment for that family. ‘‘(8) Assurances that the entity will— ‘‘(A) submit annual reports to the Secretary regarding the program and activities carried out under the program that include such information and data as the Secretary shall require; and ‘‘(B) participate in, and cooperate with, data and information collection necessary for the evaluation required