Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3654

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124 STAT. 3628 PUBLIC LAW 111–347—JAN. 2, 2011 ‘‘(3) MEETINGS.—The Advisory Committee shall meet at such frequency as may be required to carry out its duties. ‘‘(4) REPORTS.—The WTC Program Administrator shall pro- vide for publication of recommendations of the Advisory Com- mittee on the public Web site established for the WTC Program. ‘‘(5) DURATION.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Advisory Committee shall continue in operation during the period in which the WTC Program is in operation. ‘‘(6) APPLICATION OF FACA.—Except as otherwise specifically provided, the Advisory Committee shall be subject to the Fed- eral Advisory Committee Act. ‘‘(b) WTC HEALTH PROGRAM STEERING COMMITTEES.— ‘‘(1) CONSULTATION.—The WTC Program Administrator shall consult with 2 steering committees (each in this section referred to as a ‘Steering Committee’) that are established as follows: ‘‘(A) WTC RESPONDERS STEERING COMMITTEE.—One Steering Committee, to be known as the WTC Responders Steering Committee, for the purpose of receiving input from affected stakeholders and facilitating the coordination of monitoring and treatment programs for the enrolled WTC responders under part 1 of subtitle B. ‘‘(B) WTC SURVIVORS STEERING COMMITTEE.—One Steering Committee, to be known as the WTC Survivors Steering Committee, for the purpose of receiving input from affected stakeholders and facilitating the coordination of initial health evaluations, monitoring, and treatment programs for screening-eligible and certified-eligible WTC survivors under part 2 of subtitle B. ‘‘(2) MEMBERSHIP.— ‘‘(A) WTC RESPONDERS STEERING COMMITTEE.— ‘‘(i) REPRESENTATION.—The WTC Responders Steering Committee shall include— ‘‘(I) representatives of the Centers of Excel- lence providing services to WTC responders; ‘‘(II) representatives of labor organizations rep- resenting firefighters, police, other New York City employees, and recovery and cleanup workers who responded to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; and ‘‘(III) 3 representatives of New York City, 1 of whom will be selected by the police commis- sioner of New York City, 1 by the health commis- sioner of New York City, and 1 by the mayor of New York City. ‘‘(ii) INITIAL MEMBERSHIP.—The WTC Responders Steering Committee shall initially be composed of members of the WTC Monitoring and Treatment Pro- gram Steering Committee (as in existence on the day before the date of the enactment of this title). ‘‘(B) WTC SURVIVORS STEERING COMMITTEE.— ‘‘(i) REPRESENTATION.—The WTC Survivors Steering Committee shall include representatives of— ‘‘(I) the Centers of Excellence providing serv- ices to screening-eligible and certified-eligible WTC survivors; Public information. Web posting.