Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3664

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124 STAT. 3638 PUBLIC LAW 111–347—JAN. 2, 2011 ‘‘(3) ENROLLMENT PROCESS.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The WTC Program Administrator shall establish a process for enrolling WTC responders in the WTC Program. Under such process— ‘‘(i) WTC responders described in paragraph (1)(A) shall be deemed to be enrolled in such Program; ‘‘(ii) subject to clause (iii), the Administrator shall enroll in such program individuals who are determined to be WTC responders; ‘‘(iii) the Administrator shall deny such enrollment to an individual if the Administrator determines that the numerical limitation in paragraph (4) on enroll- ment of WTC responders has been met; ‘‘(iv) there shall be no fee charged to the applicant for making an application for such enrollment; ‘‘(v) the Administrator shall make a determination on such an application not later than 60 days after the date of filing the application; and ‘‘(vi) an individual who is denied enrollment in such Program shall have an opportunity to appeal such determination in a manner established under such process. ‘‘(B) TIMING.— ‘‘(i) CURRENTLY IDENTIFIED RESPONDERS.—In accordance with subparagraph (A)(i), the WTC Pro- gram Administrator shall enroll an individual described in paragraph (1)(A) in the WTC Program not later than July 1, 2011. ‘‘(ii) OTHER RESPONDERS.—In accordance with subparagraph (A)(ii) and consistent with paragraph (4), the WTC Program Administrator shall enroll any other individual who is determined to be a WTC responder in the WTC Program at the time of such determination. ‘‘(4) NUMERICAL LIMITATION ON ELIGIBLE WTC RESPONDERS.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The total number of individuals not described in paragraph (1)(A) or (2)(A)(ii) who may be enrolled under paragraph (3)(A)(ii) shall not exceed 25,000 at any time, of which no more than 2,500 may be individ- uals enrolled based on modified eligibility criteria estab- lished under paragraph (1)(C). ‘‘(B) PROCESS.—In implementing subparagraph (A), the WTC Program Administrator shall— ‘‘(i) limit the number of enrollments made under paragraph (3)— ‘‘(I) in accordance with such subparagraph; and ‘‘(II) to such number, as determined by the Administrator based on the best available informa- tion and subject to amounts available under sec- tion 3351, that will ensure sufficient funds will be available to provide treatment and monitoring benefits under this title, with respect to all individ- uals who are enrolled through the end of fiscal year 2020; and Deadline. Determination. Deadline.