Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3666

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124 STAT. 3640 PUBLIC LAW 111–347—JAN. 2, 2011 certification of coverage under subsection (b)(2)(B)(iii), as applied under section 3322(a). In the case of a WTC responder described in section 3311(a)(2)(A)(ii) (relating to a surviving immediate family member of a firefighter), such term does not include an illness or health condition described in subparagraph (A)(i). ‘‘(2) DETERMINATION.—The determination under paragraph (1) or subsection (b) of whether the September 11, 2001, ter- rorist attacks were substantially likely to be a significant factor in aggravating, contributing to, or causing an individual’s ill- ness or health condition shall be made based on an assessment of the following: ‘‘(A) The individual’s exposure to airborne toxins, any other hazard, or any other adverse condition resulting from the terrorist attacks. Such exposure shall be— ‘‘(i) evaluated and characterized through the use of a standardized, population-appropriate question- naire approved by the Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; and ‘‘(ii) assessed and documented by a medical profes- sional with experience in treating or diagnosing health conditions included on the list of WTC-related health conditions. ‘‘(B) The type of symptoms and temporal sequence of symptoms. Such symptoms shall be— ‘‘(i) assessed through the use of a standardized, population-appropriate medical questionnaire approved by the Director of the National Institute for Occupa- tional Safety and Health and a medical examination; and ‘‘(ii) diagnosed and documented by a medical professional described in subparagraph (A)(ii). ‘‘(3) LIST OF HEALTH CONDITIONS FOR WTC RESPONDERS.— The list of health conditions for WTC responders consists of the following: ‘‘(A) AERODIGESTIVE DISORDERS.— ‘‘(i) Interstitial lung diseases. ‘‘(ii) Chronic respiratory disorder—fumes/vapors. ‘‘(iii) Asthma. ‘‘(iv) Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS). ‘‘(v) WTC-exacerbated chronic obstructive pul- monary disease (COPD). ‘‘(vi) Chronic cough syndrome. ‘‘(vii) Upper airway hyperreactivity. ‘‘(viii) Chronic rhinosinusitis. ‘‘(ix) Chronic nasopharyngitis. ‘‘(x) Chronic laryngitis. ‘‘(xi) Gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD). ‘‘(xii) Sleep apnea exacerbated by or related to a condition described in a previous clause. ‘‘(B) MENTAL HEALTH CONDITIONS.— ‘‘(i) Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). ‘‘(ii) Major depressive disorder. ‘‘(iii) Panic disorder. ‘‘(iv) Generalized anxiety disorder. ‘‘(v) Anxiety disorder (not otherwise specified).