Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3708

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124 STAT. 3682 PUBLIC LAW 111–350—JAN. 4, 2011 (including computer software documentation) relating to sup- plies procured by an agency; but (2) does not include computer software or financial, adminis- trative, cost or pricing, or management data or other informa- tion incidental to contract administration. SUBCHAPTER II—DIVISION B DEFINITIONS § 131. Acquisition In division B, the term ‘‘acquisition’’— (1) means the process of acquiring, with appropriated amounts, by contract for purchase or lease, property or services (including construction) that support the missions and goals of an executive agency, from the point at which the require- ments of the executive agency are established in consultation with the chief acquisition officer of the executive agency; and (2) includes— (A) the process of acquiring property or services that are already in existence, or that must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated; (B) the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs; (C) solicitation and selection of sources; (D) award of contracts; (E) contract performance; (F) contract financing; (G) management and measurement of contract perform- ance through final delivery and payment; and (H) technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency requirements by contract. § 132. Competitive procedures In division B, the term ‘‘competitive procedures’’ means proce- dures under which an agency enters into a contract pursuant to full and open competition. § 133. Executive agency In division B, the term ‘‘executive agency’’ means— (1) an executive department specified in section 101 of title 5; (2) a military department specified in section 102 of title 5; (3) an independent establishment as defined in section 104(1) of title 5; and (4) a wholly owned Government corporation fully subject to chapter 91 of title 31. § 134. Simplified acquisition threshold In division B, the term ‘‘simplified acquisition threshold’’ means $100,000. SUBCHAPTER III—DIVISION C DEFINITIONS § 151. Agency head In division C, the term ‘‘agency head’’ means the head or any assistant head of an executive agency, and may at the option of the Administrator of General Services include the chief official