Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3713

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124 STAT. 3687 PUBLIC LAW 111–350—JAN. 4, 2011 that are conducted for amounts below the simplified acquisition threshold; (12) developing policies that will promote achievement of goals for participation by small businesses, small business con- cerns owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans, quali- fied HUBZone small business concerns (as defined in section 3(p) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632(p))), small businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, and small businesses owned and controlled by women; and (13) completing action, as appropriate, on the recommenda- tions of the Commission on Government Procurement. (b) CONSULTATION AND ASSISTANCE.—In carrying out the func- tions in subsection (a), the Administrator— (1) shall consult with the affected executive agencies, including the Small Business Administration; (2) with the concurrence of the heads of affected executive agencies, may designate one or more executive agencies to assist in performing those functions; and (3) may establish advisory committees or other interagency groups to assist in providing for the establishment, develop- ment, and maintenance of a single system of simplified Govern- ment-wide procurement regulations and to assist in performing any other function the Administrator considers appropriate. (c) ASSIGNMENT, DELEGATION, OR TRANSFER.— (1) TO ADMINISTRATOR.—Except as otherwise provided by law, only duties, functions, or responsibilities expressly assigned by this division shall be assigned, delegated, or transferred to the Administrator. (2) BY ADMINISTRATOR.— (A) WITHIN OFFICE.—The Administrator may make and authorize delegations within the Office of Federal Procure- ment Policy that the Administrator determines to be nec- essary to carry out this division. (B) TO ANOTHER EXECUTIVE AGENCY.—The Administrator may delegate, and authorize successive redelegations of, an authority, function, or power of the Administrator under this division (other than the authority to provide overall direction of Federal procurement policy and to prescribe policies and regulations to carry out the policy) to another executive agency with the consent of the head of the execu- tive agency or at the direction of the President. § 1123. Small business concerns In formulating the Federal Acquisition Regulation and procedures to ensure compliance with the Regulation, the Administrator, in consultation with the Small Business Administration, shall— (1) conduct analyses of the impact on small business concerns resulting from revised procurement regulations; and (2) incorporate into revised procurement regulations sim- plified bidding, contract performance, and contract administra- tion procedures for small business concerns.