Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3734

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124 STAT. 3708 PUBLIC LAW 111–350—JAN. 4, 2011 on warranted contracting officers and program managers of the agency. (2) CONTENT OF PLAN.—The acquisition workforce succession plan shall address— (A) recruitment goals for personnel from procurement intern programs; (B) the agency’s acquisition workforce training needs; (C) actions to retain high performing acquisition profes- sionals who possess critical relevant skills; (D) recruitment goals for personnel from the Federal Career Intern Program; and (E) recruitment goals for personnel from the Presidential Management Fellows Program. (g) ACQUISITION WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLAN.— (1) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this subsection is to authorize the preparation and completion of the Acquisition Workforce Development Strategic Plan, which is a plan for Federal agen- cies other than the Department of Defense to— (A) develop a specific and actionable 5-year plan to increase the size of the acquisition workforce; and (B) operate a government-wide acquisition intern pro- gram for the Federal agencies. (2) ESTABLISHMENT OF PLAN.—The Associate Administrator shall be responsible for the management, oversight, and administration of the Acquisition Workforce Development Stra- tegic Plan in cooperation and consultation with the Office of Federal Procurement Policy and with the assistance of the Federal Acquisition Institute. (3) CRITERIA.—The Acquisition Workforce Development Stra- tegic Plan shall include an examination of the following mat- ters: (A) The variety and complexity of acquisitions conducted by each Federal agency covered by the plan, and the workforce needed to effectively carry out the acquisitions. (B) The development of a sustainable funding model to support efforts to hire, retain, and train an acquisition workforce of appropriate size and skill to effectively carry out the acquisition programs of the Federal agencies cov- ered by the plan, including an examination of interagency funding methods and a discussion of how the model of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund could be applied to civilian agencies. (C) Any strategic human capital planning necessary to hire, retain, and train an acquisition workforce of appro- priate size and skill at each Federal agency covered by the plan. (D) Methodologies that Federal agencies covered by the plan can use to project future acquisition workforce per- sonnel hiring requirements, including an appropriate dis- tribution of such personnel across each category of positions designated as acquisition workforce personnel under section 1703(g) of this title. (E) Government-wide training standards and certification requirements necessary to enhance the mobility and career opportunities of the Federal acquisition workforce within the Federal agencies covered by the plan. (F) If the Associate Administrator recommends as part of the plan a growth in the acquisition workforce of the