Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3842

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124 STAT. 3816 PUBLIC LAW 111–350—JAN. 4, 2011 (f) TIMELINESS OF WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFIT DETERMINATIONS.— It is the intent of Congress that determinations of minimum wages and fringe benefits under section 6703(1) and (2) of this title should be made as soon as administratively feasible for all contracts subject to this chapter. In any event, the Secretary shall at least make the determinations for contracts under which more than 5 service employees are to be employed. Subtitle III—Contract Disputes Chapter Sec. 71. Contract Disputes ....................................................................................... 7101 CHAPTER 71—CONTRACT DISPUTES Sec. 7101. Definitions. 7102. Applicability of chapter. 7103. Decision by contracting officer. 7104. Contractor’s right of appeal from decision by contracting officer. 7105. Agency boards. 7106. Agency board procedures for accelerated and small claims. 7107. Judicial review of agency board decisions. 7108. Payment of claims. 7109. Interest. § 7101. Definitions In this chapter: (1) ADMINISTRATOR.—The term ‘‘Administrator’’ means the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy appointed pursu- ant to section 1102 of this title. (2) AGENCY BOARD OR AGENCY BOARD OF CONTRACT APPEALS.— The term ‘‘agency board’’ or ‘‘agency board of contract appeals’’ means— (A) the Armed Services Board; (B) the Civilian Board; (C) the board of contract appeals of the Tennessee Valley Authority; or (D) the Postal Service Board established under section 7105(d)(1) of this title. (3) AGENCY HEAD.—The term ‘‘agency head’’ means the head and any assistant head of an executive agency. The term may include the chief official of a principal division of an executive agency if the head of the executive agency so designates that chief official. (4) ARMED SERVICES BOARD.—The term ‘‘Armed Services Board’’ means the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals established under section 7105(a)(1) of this title. (5) CIVILIAN BOARD.—The term ‘‘Civilian Board’’ means the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals established under section 7105(b)(1) of this title. (6) CONTRACTING OFFICER.—The term ‘‘contracting officer’’— (A) means an individual who, by appointment in accord- ance with applicable regulations, has the authority to make and administer contracts and to make determinations and findings with respect to contracts; and (B) includes an authorized representative of the con- tracting officer, acting within the limits of the representa- tive’s authority.