Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4038

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124 STAT. 4012 PUBLIC LAW 111–358—JAN. 4, 2011 SEC. 515. STEM INDUSTRY INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Director may award grants, on a competi- tive, merit-reviewed basis, to institutions of higher education, or consortia thereof, to establish or expand partnerships with local or regional private sector entities, for the purpose of providing undergraduate students with integrated internship experiences that connect private sector internship experiences with the students’ STEM coursework. The partnerships may also include industry or professional associations. (b) INTERNSHIP PROGRAM.—The grants awarded under sub- section (a) may include internship programs in the manufacturing sector. (c) USE OF GRANT FUNDS.—Grants under this section may be used— (1) to develop and implement hands-on learning opportuni- ties; (2) to develop curricula and instructional materials related to industry, including the manufacturing sector; (3) to perform outreach to secondary schools; (4) to develop mentorship programs for students with partner organizations; and (5) to conduct activities to support awareness of career opportunities and skill requirements. (d) PRIORITY.—In awarding grants under this section, the Director shall give priority to institutions of higher education or consortia thereof that demonstrate significant outreach to and coordination with local or regional private sector entities and Regional Centers for the Transfer of Manufacturing Technology established by section 25(a) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278k(a)) in developing academic courses designed to provide students with the skills or certifications necessary for employment in local or regional companies. (c) OUTREACH TO RURAL COMMUNITIES.—The Foundation shall conduct outreach to institutions of higher education and private sector entities in rural areas to encourage those entities to partici- pate in partnerships under this section. (d) COST-SHARE.—The Director shall require a 50 percent non- Federal cost-share from partnerships established or expanded under this section. (e) RESTRICTION.—No Federal funds provided under this section may be used— (1) for the purpose of providing stipends or compensation to students for private sector internships unless private sector entities match 75 percent of such funding; or (2) as payment or reimbursement to private sector entities, except for institutions of higher education. (f) REPORT.—Not less than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director shall submit a report to Congress on the number and total value of awards made under this section, the number of students affected by those awards, any evidence of the effect of those awards on workforce preparation and jobs placement for participating students, and an economic and ethnic breakdown of the participating students. SEC. 516. CYBER -ENABLED LEARNING FOR NATIONAL CHALLENGES. The Director shall, in consultation with appropriate Federal agencies, identify ways to use cyber-enabled learning to create 42 USC 1862p–8. Payments. 42 USC 1862p–7.