Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4059

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124 STAT. 4033 PUBLIC LAW 111–358—JAN. 4, 2011 ‘‘(viii) the management of the science park during its first 5 years; ‘‘(ix) expected financial risks in the construction and operation of the science park and the risk mitiga- tion strategy; ‘‘(x) physical infrastructure available to the science park, including roads, utilities, and telecommuni- cations; ‘‘(xi) utilization of energy-efficient building tech- nology including nationally recognized green building design practices, renewable energy, cogeneration, and other methods that increase energy efficiency and con- servation; ‘‘(xii) consideration to the transformation of mili- tary bases affected by the base realignment and closure process or the redevelopment of existing buildings, structures, or brownfield sites that are abandoned, idled, or underused into single or multiple building facilities for science and technology companies and institutions; ‘‘(xiii) ability to collaborate with other science parks throughout the world; ‘‘(xiv) consideration of sustainable development practices and the quality of life at the science park; and ‘‘(xv) other such criteria as the Secretary shall prescribe. ‘‘(4) ALLOCATION CONSTRAINTS.—The Secretary may not allocate less than one-third of the total grant funding allocated under this section for any fiscal year to grants under subsection (b) or this subsection without written notification to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the House of Representatives Committees on Science and Tech- nology and on Energy and Commerce. ‘‘(d) LOAN GUARANTEES FOR SCIENCE PARK INFRASTRUCTURE.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (2), the Secretary may guarantee up to 80 percent of the loan amount for projects for the construction or expansion, including renovation and modernization, of science park infrastructure. ‘‘(2) LIMITATIONS ON GUARANTEE AMOUNTS.—The maximum amount of loan principal guaranteed under this subsection may not exceed— ‘‘(A) $50,000,000 with respect to any single project; and ‘‘(B) $300,000,000 with respect to all projects. ‘‘(3) SELECTION OF GUARANTEE RECIPIENTS.—The Secretary shall select recipients of loan guarantees under this subsection based upon the ability of the recipient to collateralize the loan amount through bonds, equity, property, and such other things of values as the Secretary shall deem necessary. Recipi- ents of grants under subsection (c) are not eligible for a loan guarantee during the period of the grant. To the extent that the Secretary determines it to be feasible, the Secretary may select recipients of guarantee assistance in accord with a competitive process that takes into account the factors set out in subsection (c)(3)(C) of this section. Notification.